Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Story of Transition: Debz

I love how diverse each head of hair is and I am excited to feature another transitioner! Her story is great, check it out below.

1.      Please introduce yourself! Hi my name is "Debz", I am from Panama(the country) and currently reside in Memphis,Tn(for the moment lol)

2.      When did you decide you wanted to transition to natural? I was natural for 4 years (2005-2009) but when I moved back to my native country in late 2009, I had to perm my hair because It wouldn't do ANYTHING in that weather. I'm back in the U.S. and Its been a year now since I've been transitioning back to natural and I don't plan on looking back. I chose to be natural because I like textured hair and I was tired of the chemical damage that perms were giving me.

3.      Do you plan on being a long term transitioner or a short term? I plan on being a long term transitioner, I've never had super short hair and can't imagine rocking a "TWA" with my big ol face and head lol

4.      How has it been managing 2 textures throughout this journey of transition? I tend to find ways to make it work, my go to style is my "Twisted Bantu Knot Out". Everytime I rock it I get tons of compliments. I LOVE that style :-)

5.      Are there any products that you have been using that you cannot live without? I CAN NOT live with out my Kinky Curly Knot Today! My hair is always suuuuper soft and easier to manage when I have it on my hair. There's no way I can be without it *cringing just thinking about it*

6.      Do you have your hair on a “regimen schedule?” (ex. How often do you wash, detangle, etc.) I do have a schedule but really I just do what my hair tells me. I may co-wash 3-4 times a week in the hot months. I make alot of homade deep conditioners and use lots of natural oils. I detangle ONLY in the shower with tons of conditioner in my hair.

7.      What’s been your “go to” hairstyle since you've decided to go natural? Twisted Bantu Knot Out

8.      What excites you about seeing your natural, kinks, curls and coil? When I see naturals I just want to talk to them about hair,products,websites, I just love to see so many different textures :-)

9.      Where can we find you on the web? I have a blog about fashion,food,and my transitioning hair and products. Check me out and follow me @ theMANEtopic.blogspot.com

10.  Do you have any advice that you want to share with fellow transitioners? DON'T GIVE UP! So many times I get frustrated and want to just perm it and say "The hec with this stuff" but then I remember what my ultimate hair goal is...look at some pics of naturals I adore and just keep on my journey. Know that it won't be easy but in the end it will all be worth it :-)

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