Friday, June 3, 2011

Captured Curls: Ashley M.

I hope you all enjoy today's Captured Curls Beauty! Her story is a great one!

Tell me about YOU
Hey Alex. My name is Missess Malcolm ;). I am a 20 year old jamaican student at Howard University from Washington, DC. I am a hair fanatic. Fake. Real. Short. Long. Curly. Straight. Relaxed. Natural. I love it all. I am a girlie girl who likes to dance shop party eat and spend time with my friends and family when I'm not busy with school.

What is your current hair care regimen? 
I wash my hair once a month using Giovanni's Organic Hair Care products. I use the shampoo and conditioner. I also mix my own deep conditioners with different oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, and grape seed oil. Since I don't wash my hair that often sometimes I end up using different things but I ALWAYS use organic/natural products. I am trying to grow my hair to mid back length so I wear alot of weaves so I won't be tempted to do cause breakage to my hair. I trim my hair a little bit everytime I wash it and I do blowdry my hair but I try not to flat iron it too much.
What is your hair type and what works best for your texture?
My hair is a mixture of 3C-4B. Its really curly in the middle and more coarse around the edges especially in the back. Water is my hairs best friend. As well as shea butter, oils and conditioners. Because my hair is coarse around the edges it needs alot of moisture so it won't break off. I also use the Denman brush which really enhances my curls when I do twist/braid outs.

What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?
When I first decided to go natural 2 years ago alot of people didn't like the idea. They said my hair wasn't "good" hair and that I wouldnt be able to manage it. But everyone loves it now that they see how fast my hair has grown back and the texture and versatility.

Did you BC or transition, if so when or for how long?
I didn't transition. I just went ahead and did the big chop but wore braids and weaves until i could do twist outs etc.

What makes you love your kinks, curls and coils?
I have done any and everything you can imagine to my hair and I just wanted to try something new. I've had a relaxer since the 4th grade so I didn't remember what my hair was like. I love that I can have straight hair one day and a big puf fthe next. I like the fact that I stand out when I wear my natural hair and people always inquire about my hair.

Where can we find you on the web?
I am on twitter: CURLupandDYE_ (get it.? my hairs curly and dyed. :p)
Anything EXTRA you want us to know?
Natural hair isn't the only way or the best way for everyone. Aslong as you love and appreciate the hair you have thats all that matters. Don't alter your appearence in anyway for anyone but yourself. Everyone isnt going to like your hair no matter what you do so just do YOU.! : )

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