Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hooray for HENNA!

I LOVE henna, last night's experience was awesome. My hair has never felt this amazing, soft, fluffy or strong EVER. I am not sure why I am just now getting hip to henna but I am so glad that I finally bit the bullet and tried it.  I recall giving a henna a try once before, sometime last year, and I never really got the hang of it. Maybe I didn't use it right because this time, it's did wonders for my curls. Now I see why Curly Nikki and TMTM always rave about it.

(Texture shot on dry hair after henna, I need a trim...lol)

I left my henna on for a few hours, ran some errands and was ready to rinse. I hopped in the shower and let warm water run over my head for a good 3 minutes. After that I slathered on a cheap conditioner and co-washed a few times until the water ran clear. My curls instantly popped and spiraled out of control, I was amazed. Lately, during and after washing, my hair has been lifeless. My curls have been frizzy and dull. The henna was like a hair re-birth, LOL, I know that may sound dramatic BUT I am so serious. Not to mention my hair was SUPER shiny, which was a great thing. I did notice that my scalp started itching terribly  while I was rinsing the henna out, it eventually subsided but I found that kind of strange. Anyone experience this?

De tangling my hair was a breeze. I parted it in sections and gave my self about 10 flat twist going in alternating directions.I wanted the wild, funky look today. I twisted with Oyin's Hair Dew and Koils by Nature's Hair Butter. I like these products because they are all natural and leave my hair with definition and moisture. Once I was all twisted, I applied MTG to my scalp (I am still using this as a growth aide) and spritzed with Oyin's Frank Juice. Taking down my hair this morning was a breeze, I HAD NO FRIZZ or OUT OF CONTROL ends like I normally do. Henna got the job done and will be a new staple in my regimen forever. I plan on henna'ing every 2 weeks. My next henna date is the 24th. I am excited about that, I plan on getting my hair re-braided in the up-do PS that I wore over the holiday. I am very serious about reaching APL by my 2nd year natural hair anniversary. :)

More pics under the jump...

How do you like henna? 
Share your thoughts,tips and tricks in the comment box. 

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