Monday, November 15, 2010

A Man's P.O.V: Rasheed

Today I decided I wanted to feature some brotha's on my blog.
I am always curious to know how men think and feel about their sista's having natural hair.
My first interview is with Mr. Rasheed.
Let me just say that I am BEYOND impressed with his responses and I am so eager for you all to read what he wrote.
I know that I will receive a lot of feedback from you ladies and I cannot wait!
Rasheed is one of many men that I will have featured.
Some of the brotha's that will be up next to give their opinions have loc's and they will be giving us some insight on how they take care of their natural hair.
But for now read Rasheed's interview; I am sure you are going to love it as much as I do.

Rasheed Copeland
Age 23
Area: The DMV (DC, MD, VA area)

  1. How important is a woman’s hair to you? Especially if you are dating her, does she have to wear her hair a certain way to keep/grab your interest? (i.e. which styles down vs. ponytail vs. bun, hair length?)
Well considering that I’ve dated women whose hairstyles have ranged from weave, natural, permed etc… I’d say that though it’s not necessarily a deal breaker it definitely matters to me.  I believe a woman’s hair is her crown and if for no other reason than self-satisfaction, she should keep it maintained.  I prefer natural hair, as far as styles go, I’m not too picky.  Just keep it kept.
  1. Do you think that there is a ‘Natural Hair Movement’ or trend going on these days? Why do you think so many women are choosing to go natural now, do you think it’s a fad?
Well I don’t know if I’d used the word “movement” just yet, but I definitely think it’s becoming more of a fad.  I’m uncertain of where it’s stemming from but I have noticed that folks are reverting back to a more afro-centric approach to their aesthetic makeup, and the look has been more publicized in pop culture as well.  Though I’ve had conversations with folks who don’t like the idea of it being “pop” I think it’s wonderful.  I hope it’s actually does grow into movement, it’s wonderful to see women of color embracing their natural beauty no matter what the reason.

  1. Would you support your partner or family members (i.e. mother, sister, daughter) if she decided to become natural?
 Absolutely, I think it would be shallow not too. If this is what makes them happy and they have convicted in doing so they’d have my full support.

  1. How important is hair texture to you? If your significant other were to go natural, would the texture of her hair affect your opinions on whether she should remain natural or not?

Though texture is somewhat important, I don’t think the texture would matter much to me.  The biggest thing would be whether or not her hair was healthy.

  1. What is your definition of “Good Hair?”
  Well my definition of “Good Hair” is simply thick and healthy hair that is versatile and able to be styled in various ways.  I’ve never thought of  “bone straight“ hair to be “good hair” because its limited in what you can do to it.

  1. Would you rather your partner wear her hair natural or in a weave? Why or why not?  
Well I’d definitely say Natural.  In my opinion it looks better and feels better.  Also, (not to dabble too deep)  I’ve found that females who wear their hair natural, are more prone to be secure within themselves and don’t require much of the struggle involved in convincing your woman that she’s gorgeous. I mean it’s always necessary but not as much in that area of beauty.

  1. If you are involved with a woman do you think she should consult with you when it comes to making changes to her hair? 
Definitely so, not for any macho, ego driven, “I run you” type of reasons, but just because I’d extend that same courtesy with anything concerning my physical appearance.  Ultimately the decision will ALWAYS be hers and I’d always support her in it, but hair is important, and doing something drastic to your hair, without at least a heads up to the person you’re involved with strikes me as a breakdown in communication.

  1. Why does it seem like some men are “hung up” on hair length? Does it matter to you?  
 I think whether long or short is fine.  I think the whole guys being obsessed with long hair is a learned behavior from youth though.  Since I can remember the media/pop culture has always portrayed long hair as pretty and short hair as ugly, and naturally when you grow up hearing and seeing that all over, it molds your perception.  But honestly I don’t think any guy can deny that some of the most gorgeous women they’ve ever encountered didn’t ALL have long hair.  (just a very quick example, Halle Berry All throughout the 90’s)

  1. Would you be supportive in your partner’s journey to go natural?
Yes, like I said earlier, I understand how serious hair it is for females and I’d dare not be insensitive by not being supportive.  Now whether that support is shown by me helping her grease her scalp, or paying for salon appointments or even sitting in the barber shop for her to get edged up (which I’ve all so long as she knows that I’m behind her on it, I have no problem doing so.

  1. What makes black women and their hair unique and beautiful to you?
I could on and on about this for days!! I guess to keep is short though, I’d say that there’s certain vigor to a black woman’s hair that other races, unfortunately don’t have.  The variety within textures, lengths and endless styles is something I think makes it impossible for folks to deny its beauty.  It almost as if there has to be a style/grade for EVERYONE’s taste.  (I sound like a Pink Lotion

  1. Who is your favorite “curly girl?” (i.e. celebrity, actress, friend, ect.)
Corinne Bailey Rae <3 Lawd have mercy

Find him on the web here:

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