Monday, December 13, 2010

Special Feature: Artist Miya Bailey

Everyone, I am super honored to feature Miya Bailey an amazing artist and lover of natural queens.
I first stumbled across Mr. Bailey on Twitter this summer. I was enamored by his talent and artwork and since I am a lover of tattoo's and all things beautiful I quickly became a huge fan!
I plan on getting tattoo'd by him sometime next year and I cannot wait to see what piece he will create just for me.
A few weeks ago I decided to reach out to him and ask if he would be interested in being featured on my blog , it was an honor to have him say yes!
It took me a while to come up with the questions because I wanted you all to get to know him as an artist and get his view on black woman and our hair.
The questions I came up with seemed to intertwine well and reading his responses gave me chills.
He loves black woman and the way he talks about his wife is so admirable.

To read his feature click the jump! I hope you enjoy.

1.       Can you give some background on what you do and who you are, for those who are not familiar with you? My name is Miya Bailey, I'm a fine art painter, book author, filmmaker, businessman, family man, illustrator..but most people know me for my style of tattooing we call "Skin Paintings" a style created by City of Ink...a style that steps outside the box and follow no stereotypes...

  1. When did you discover that you were an artist? Have you always been artistically inclined or was your skill developed? I didn't discover mom did...she seen me drawing when I was a baby and praticed with me whenever she wasnt working....I always had a wild imagination...Visions come to by hearing words from other people...i can be having a converation and one word will spark an idea for a painting or tattoo....thats how my mind never turns I'm inspired a few times a day....i try to only surround myself with people who keep my mind working and inspired.

  1. How long have you been a tattoo artist? Can you recall your first tattoo experience? I been tattooing for over 18 years now...I always talk about my first tattoo in was an anhk and I been cursed ever since with people asking me to do the early 90's before Erykah Badu I made the anhk and eyes popular in tattooing...its 2010 now so I moved pasted  that style of tattooing...everyone do them now so they can have the trend we focus is the future on turning real artist into businessmen... 

  1. When did you fall in love with art? Artist are BORN its a DNA trait...a real artist only purpose is to create art..the first love is always take art away from an artist and death will soon is instinct not thought about...its an artist first and last thought period...everything else is extra things to make an artist life better...but art comes first always

  1. Who is your favorite artist? Does/has anyone inspired you during your journey as a tattoo artist? My favorite artist is Mike Giant...I love how he runs his business and promotes his lifestyle to the world....and Julia Alphonsio trained me as a tattoo artist..she taught be almost everything I know in the art of tattooing so I'm very thankful to her...

  1. I notice that a lot of your pieces have an ethnic flare to them, which I love, what influences that? How do you come up with your elaborate custom tattoos? I just let the people inspire me...people of color are soulful and have beautiful features...can't help to use that in my art if they sitting in my chair for 4-5 hours.....I notice the features of people....and I use that in my art....if I was around white people all day I'm sure I would be using more white features...I'm only inspired by my surrounding....its not thought tattoo of tattooing is for ALL races....I'm a balanced person...and I'm color blind to race until i'm confronted by racism...when a customer sit in my chair I don't have a clue of what I'm going to do..the only way I can get inspired when I'm tattooing is when the client VERBALLY tell me their idea...I have to HEAR the passion in there voice and see the excitement in eyes for me to get ideas...thats all I never bring me drawings or photos of other tattoos...I can design it without any help....most of my clients give me free range...they let me do whatever i feel...they trust my vision and know whatever I tattoo on them will MATCH their personally  and be a one of a kind for only them...I never ever copy others.

  1. You seem to take much pride in black women and some of the drawings I have seen, really capture the essence of our curves; how do you feel about black women and our natural hair? The Black Woman is the center of life to mother is a black woman so I can help but what to protect and fight my sisters...Black women come in all shapes, sizes, skin tones, and backgrounds...its something for everyone if you love the black woman....I'm a very spiritual person and I feel GOD is a female since to do and create more evil in these days and times.....I know if women stood together, man wouldnt have a chance..and the woman would be a lot better place for our children...and nothing is better seeing a black woman in her natural form...I LOVE REAL HAIR....nothing against weave and stuff...but when you making love to a suppose to make love to ALL of her...from her hair to her feet..she suppose to be worshipped....natural hair just feels more God like....and natural so love making is more can make love to weave...if you pull too hard it might even come out....I just know I want to feel her scalp...feel all of her...the real her

  1. Do you think that there is a ‘Natural Hair Movement’ or trend going on in our culture? Why do you think so many women are choosing to go natural now, do you think it’s a fad? I think more women don't want to follow the stereotypes..its a fact men treat women with natural hair just feels like she is demanding respect...not staying all woman with natural hair are "ladies" but most of the ones I know just think outside the box...and that attractive to both men and if its a fad...lets keep it around...because I get bored seeing perm heads allday....lets mix it up and show the world our woman come in all forms and fashion...

  1. I read in your bio that you are a husband and father. Is your wife natural, if so what do you like about her hair? How do your children wear their hair? My wife has natural perm at all and its the sexiest thing to me in the world...nothing better than thick beautiful hair and some big ole lips that remind you of Africa.....its like looking at of my daughters got a perm a few years ago I was pissed off....but she is a teenager she will find her way when her surrounding son is a dread..

  1. What is your definition of “Good Hair” and how do you feel about the word “Nappy?” My Definition of Good Hair is a term used by people still affected by slavery and the teaching of the "negro" mind state....that term was used my the elders who were formed to give up their true culture....Good hair to me is REAL hair. Untamed...and nappy isn't a negative word to me....I'm trying to make my hair nappy Nappy is cool with me....the more different hair textures....the more each human looks different from the next, so it keeps artist inspired....the age of the social clone is DEAD.

  1. How do you like your wife to wear her hair? Does she consult with you before she changes it? I love my wife’s hair....I like all the different styles she can wear....its like having a different woman every different hair style...and we all know men like that...a different look is sexy and very attractive....I don’t consult with her about her hair styles...she’s a hair stylist so I say in my own lane...that’s her job...but I do like when she wears it up so I can see her neck...that’s sexy to me...and when she wears it long and straight....straight or curly its sexy to me because its all her real hear....

  1. Do you have a lot of natural hair’d clientele? might be 50/50.... naturals and perm heads....they all cool with me 

  1. What makes black women and their hair unique and beautiful to you? I can't explain it with words...its more of a feeling you get when you touch her can feel her power...I don't know its something very close to God...I feel "strength" in her...

  1. Who is your favorite “curly girl?” (i.e. celebrity, actress, friend, ect.) Erykah Badu that woman has style and is beautiful....I was also in love (or lust) with Lisa Bonet

  1. Where can people find you on the web? Follow me on twitter @miyabailey and I also have a blog that links to back to all my social network profiles and can watch my videos on

 What do you all think about Mr. Bailey?
Pretty awesome guy , right? 

(All images are courtesy of

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