Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kinky Twists Take Down

So, my kinky twists didn't last long, LOL, I just couldn't deal with them and they kept slipping out. I took them out 2 days ago and my hair felt EXTREMELY dry. I was surprised at that because I was doing my best to moisturize my hair/scalp daily. A deep condition was really needed so I decided to give my Huetiful Hair Steamer a try, that was exciting. I pre-poo'd my hair first, sat under the steamer, rinsed/washed and then DC'd under the steamer once more.

Pre-Poo Treatment
1. Picked out hair with wide tooth comb.
2. Spritz with Green Tea and peppermint EO mix
3. Seperated into 6 sections
4.Detangled sections and applied Ojon's Restorative Treament (review coming soon)
5. Sat under steamer for 15 minutes

The hair steamer worked great  before I shampooed. The Ojon treatment seemed to really absorb in my hair strands which was a great thing. Usually, I leave the Ojon on over night but this time I didn't have too. The Ojon treatment smells GROSS, like Cuban cigars so not having to sleep in it was awesome. Once I rinsed the pre-poo out I washed with a clarifying shampoo bar and Curls Cleansing Cream. My hair needed 2 washes because it was so dirty- the water was running brown, YUCK. After my hair was clean I applied Curl's Coconut Sublime conditioner which I love. When I used  that stuff my hair instantly felt like silk and my curls POPPED, highly recommended. I sat back under the steamer for 30 minutes and I was pleased with how hydrated my hair felt. Since I colored treated my hair a few months ago I think it's good that I have the steamer to use now to reduce any dryness and/or breakage that may be caused by the color.  

After everything was rinsed out I styled my hair in flat twists and I added perm rods to the ends. I am excited to see how the style comes out. It's been really cold in DC lately so I may wear my beanies the rest of the week to protect hair from the cold weather. Also, I purchased some Mane Tail Grow oil as a growth aide since my Bee Mine Growth Serum is running low. I applied it to my scalp, smells gross but I added some EO's to it to eliminate that slight bacon smell it has. I have been using the MTG along for a week now and the Bee Mine Serum for about a month. I am anxious to see how much growth I get. Bee Mine's product has been working well for me, I noticed that the back part of my hair has grown back considerably since using it. I had it cut a couple of months ago and it now seems to be coming back nicely! Exciting! I will keep you all updated on my growth and the growth aide reviews are coming soon!

Pics of my flat twists under the jump.

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