Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back in the Garden...

I miss my friend Vincent Christie of since we don't really talk as much as we used to. School started and now I am so busy with my job so we don't have as much free time to bounce around ideas on the phone like we could back in the summer. Also, he has since launched his site and things are going well there too.

I posted a while back where he had come to NC and took a few shots of me for his blog. Since then, we also did a Q&A which he has now posted to his blog. I still love and fully support both of his sites because I think there are very few opportunities for natural black women to be displayed as sensual and beautiful beings without all the negative stereotypes about our sexuality. So it makes me happy to see our Q&A session there with a few more pics from his trip here.

Here are some of my faves from his latest posts:

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