This image is not from the reader mentioned below. Just a lovely mother-baby bonding moment I found online.
In my family there are three kids. It is a tradition that on our birthdays, somewhere after dinner and during the cake and ice cream, my mom tells the birth story. Each year she recounts the day she had us, depending on whose birthday it is. We all know each story by heart but we love hearing it again nonetheless. It is a tradition I hope to pass down to my little one and I hope I capture it as vividly as my mom always does!
This reader's birth story is so beautiful and encourages me as I gear up for the big day. I am so grateful that she shared it with me and has allowed me to share it with all of you. If anybody else has a birth story they would like to share here, please send it to me and I will post. You can also include a pic of your little one if you'd like! Thanks Afrikan Latina!
Hi Leslie,
I first want to say congratulations on the new baby you and hubby will soon be welcoming into this world.I had a homebirth that was attended by 2 midwives and my husband. There were supposed to be 3 midwives but the 3rd made it right after our son was born. :) Anyway, I am a huge advocate for homebirth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering...lol all that good stuff and love talking about pregnancy (we are currently expecting our 2nd child in May) and birth and all things babies so if there are any questions that you might want to ask please feel free. I'm also seriously thinking about getting certified as a doula. Anyway, here is my birth story. :)
I went to bed on Wednesday not feeling any different than I had felt in previous days. The spotting had stopped and I had reconciled that our little one was on his own time and any superstition that may have applied before went out the window. I woke up at 4:40am with what I thought could’ve just been some cramping but noticed that it was a pain that wasn’t constant. It came and went, came and went, and after a few of these I started to time them. They were about 7 minutes apart. I decide that maybe NOW would be a good time to take a shower because they definitely weren’t cramps and within the next however many hours we would have a baby!! The shower felt heavenly and I figured that I would be able to endure for a while before we needed to call our midwife. After getting out the shower I wake my snoozing hunny and let him know that I am having contractions. He gets up and starts to rub my back which worked wonders. The constant pressure on my lower back was nice. I call my sister and let her know that I am having what I think are contractions because I wanted at least one person in my family to know that our baby would be here soon. My hunny jumped in the shower so he could wash out the tub for me to labor in. Our tub is big enough that I didn’t find it necessary to rent one or buy a pool.
The contractions are still coming and my sister calls back around 6:20am to see how I’m doing. She asked how far apart my contractions were and I tell her 5 minutes. She’s like, “You should probably go ahead and call your midwife.” I hear her husband in the back ground say, “5 minutes!!!!” So my hunny calls one of our midwives who says she’s on the way. While we wait for her to arrive I am laboring both in the bed and on the toilet. That toilet was working wonders!! My babe is rubbing my back constantly. Cortney(one of our midwives) finally arrives and asks me the usual questions. She listens to the babys heartbeat and begins to time several of my contractions to see if they are constant because they began to become irregular going from 7 minutes, to 5 minutes, to 3 minutes. After she timed a few contractions I decided that it was time to get my butt in the water. The contractions instantly felt better after I got in the water. After being in the bathtub for quite some time my hunny comes in with the camcorder and ONLY because the contractions aren’t kicking my butt do I let him film me. So Cortney listens to the babys heartbeat again while I’m in the water and he’s still doing well. She sits on the bathroom floor and times some more contractions. I’ve avoided having her check to see how far dilated I am up until this point because I didn’t want to be disappointed if I was still in the same place an hour later.
After I get out the tub I’m again laboring back and forth between the toilet and our bed. I found that leaning over the side of the bed and having my hunny rub my back felt good. I was starting to feel quite tired and I hadn’t even done much work in the sense that it hadn’t been a hard labor. I wanted to try to lay down in the bed and labor but it didn’t feel comfortable at all. So more time passes and the contractions are getting closer together and more intense. We decide its finally time to check to see how dilated I am. This was pretty damn uncomfortable to say the least and caused the one of the WORST contractions that I had. She says, “You’re 5cm dilated.” I say, “YES!” and raise my hand to the maternal GODDESSES watching over me. I had no way of knowing how fast I would get to 10cm but 5cm sure sounded nice right then.
Within the hour it was time to migrate to the bed in our guest bedroom where all the stuff was setup. Cortney had previously told me to let her know when it felt like I had to poop but couldn’t and I’ll be damned if that’s not exactly what it felt like. I was back in the water when that urge to poop hit me so I lifted my butt up and leaned over the side of the tub. I said, “Baby go tell Cortney I feel like I have to go the bathroom.” She comes in and smiles and tells me I can get out of the tub after the current contraction stops. I get out of the tub and go to our bed where I have another contraction before going to the guest room.
Here is where the magic happens!! Lol I continue to get hit with contractions and still feel like I have to poop. My water has yet to break and I’m pushing. First push, my water bag makes an appearance. Second push, my water bag makes an even bigger appearance and you can see the baby as well. Third push, my water bag bursts (it got on my hunny) and out comes our baby’s head. With one more immediate push my baby is here and his cry was music to my ears. He was born at 11:07 weighing 6lbs 3 oz. and measuring at 19 inches.
I went from 5cm to 10cm within a hour! (Apparently that’s not expected of a first timer) I went through the motions of labor as if I were on my second child according to all 3 of my midwives. The 3rd midwife to arrive who was actually the “main” midwife got to our house as soon as Taj made his appearance. She was in awe. They didn’t expect that I would deliver so quickly. My perineum stayed in tact. YES!! I did have 2 small labia tears but no stitching or anything was necessary. They are healing nicely. Our baby is growing beautifully. Mommy and Daddy are beaming with excitement!!
I first want to say congratulations on the new baby you and hubby will soon be welcoming into this world.I had a homebirth that was attended by 2 midwives and my husband. There were supposed to be 3 midwives but the 3rd made it right after our son was born. :) Anyway, I am a huge advocate for homebirth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering...lol all that good stuff and love talking about pregnancy (we are currently expecting our 2nd child in May) and birth and all things babies so if there are any questions that you might want to ask please feel free. I'm also seriously thinking about getting certified as a doula. Anyway, here is my birth story. :)
I went to bed on Wednesday not feeling any different than I had felt in previous days. The spotting had stopped and I had reconciled that our little one was on his own time and any superstition that may have applied before went out the window. I woke up at 4:40am with what I thought could’ve just been some cramping but noticed that it was a pain that wasn’t constant. It came and went, came and went, and after a few of these I started to time them. They were about 7 minutes apart. I decide that maybe NOW would be a good time to take a shower because they definitely weren’t cramps and within the next however many hours we would have a baby!! The shower felt heavenly and I figured that I would be able to endure for a while before we needed to call our midwife. After getting out the shower I wake my snoozing hunny and let him know that I am having contractions. He gets up and starts to rub my back which worked wonders. The constant pressure on my lower back was nice. I call my sister and let her know that I am having what I think are contractions because I wanted at least one person in my family to know that our baby would be here soon. My hunny jumped in the shower so he could wash out the tub for me to labor in. Our tub is big enough that I didn’t find it necessary to rent one or buy a pool.
The contractions are still coming and my sister calls back around 6:20am to see how I’m doing. She asked how far apart my contractions were and I tell her 5 minutes. She’s like, “You should probably go ahead and call your midwife.” I hear her husband in the back ground say, “5 minutes!!!!” So my hunny calls one of our midwives who says she’s on the way. While we wait for her to arrive I am laboring both in the bed and on the toilet. That toilet was working wonders!! My babe is rubbing my back constantly. Cortney(one of our midwives) finally arrives and asks me the usual questions. She listens to the babys heartbeat and begins to time several of my contractions to see if they are constant because they began to become irregular going from 7 minutes, to 5 minutes, to 3 minutes. After she timed a few contractions I decided that it was time to get my butt in the water. The contractions instantly felt better after I got in the water. After being in the bathtub for quite some time my hunny comes in with the camcorder and ONLY because the contractions aren’t kicking my butt do I let him film me. So Cortney listens to the babys heartbeat again while I’m in the water and he’s still doing well. She sits on the bathroom floor and times some more contractions. I’ve avoided having her check to see how far dilated I am up until this point because I didn’t want to be disappointed if I was still in the same place an hour later.
After I get out the tub I’m again laboring back and forth between the toilet and our bed. I found that leaning over the side of the bed and having my hunny rub my back felt good. I was starting to feel quite tired and I hadn’t even done much work in the sense that it hadn’t been a hard labor. I wanted to try to lay down in the bed and labor but it didn’t feel comfortable at all. So more time passes and the contractions are getting closer together and more intense. We decide its finally time to check to see how dilated I am. This was pretty damn uncomfortable to say the least and caused the one of the WORST contractions that I had. She says, “You’re 5cm dilated.” I say, “YES!” and raise my hand to the maternal GODDESSES watching over me. I had no way of knowing how fast I would get to 10cm but 5cm sure sounded nice right then.
Within the hour it was time to migrate to the bed in our guest bedroom where all the stuff was setup. Cortney had previously told me to let her know when it felt like I had to poop but couldn’t and I’ll be damned if that’s not exactly what it felt like. I was back in the water when that urge to poop hit me so I lifted my butt up and leaned over the side of the tub. I said, “Baby go tell Cortney I feel like I have to go the bathroom.” She comes in and smiles and tells me I can get out of the tub after the current contraction stops. I get out of the tub and go to our bed where I have another contraction before going to the guest room.
Here is where the magic happens!! Lol I continue to get hit with contractions and still feel like I have to poop. My water has yet to break and I’m pushing. First push, my water bag makes an appearance. Second push, my water bag makes an even bigger appearance and you can see the baby as well. Third push, my water bag bursts (it got on my hunny) and out comes our baby’s head. With one more immediate push my baby is here and his cry was music to my ears. He was born at 11:07 weighing 6lbs 3 oz. and measuring at 19 inches.
I went from 5cm to 10cm within a hour! (Apparently that’s not expected of a first timer) I went through the motions of labor as if I were on my second child according to all 3 of my midwives. The 3rd midwife to arrive who was actually the “main” midwife got to our house as soon as Taj made his appearance. She was in awe. They didn’t expect that I would deliver so quickly. My perineum stayed in tact. YES!! I did have 2 small labia tears but no stitching or anything was necessary. They are healing nicely. Our baby is growing beautifully. Mommy and Daddy are beaming with excitement!!
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