I consider myself low maintenance when it comes to beauty routines. I don't spend a lot on makeup, although I love makeup. I just don't go through them fast enough to spend a lot, and I'm not curious about colors or textures. I've basically stuck to the same colors, brands, and methods since...oh...high school or thereabouts.
But I recognize that a lot of us women spend a lot on our hair, our eyebrows and eyelashes, and our nails. Good Hair, the movie by Chris Rock had women there who spent $2000 on their hair, and others who spent several hundred dollars every few weeks on color and maintaining it. I have known women who got their nails done on a weekly basis. This is just not my reality.
I went to talk to a woman in a salon the other day, and she had a nice expensive weave, and explained to me that her hair is straight from India and cost hundreds of dollars and whatever dollars to put in. It looked really nice actually. But while we were talking about all the different things one can do with their hair, I was completely distracted by her eyelashes. She had fake eyelashes, and the one on the right seemed to be falling off, and what looked like glue that had come undone on her eyelash. I cannot remember anything she told me because I kept thinking about the eyelash that was falling off, and how she can see through those things.
Now, I won't criticize anyone's beauty regimen because as a woman, I understand the need for us to feel comfortable and secure in how we look. It takes effort, money, and time to look good. But sometimes, I wonder if we should leave our eyelashes alone after a nice coat of mascara and eyeliner.
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