{Fotki Name: DimpledCurlyGirlie} How long have you been natural? I am currently a new natural and just recently bc'd on Feb 4, 2011, so that makes me natural for about two weeks (short time, I know lol but I'm soo happy). I transitioned for a year and 4 months so I'm 16 months post relaxer :). What's your regimen for styling and maintenance? Well as for now I need to update my regimen; since I've been natural I haven't decided what I should change from my first regimen (transitioning).During my transition I washed my hair weekly followed by deep conditioning, detangling, moisturizing,and sealing with oil. I mostly wore braidouts; I believe it helped keep my hair moisturized and in good shape; also twistouts but I tried lots of styles. I'm considering washing my hair twice a week with sulfate-free shampoo, and once a month with sulfate, followed by deep conditioning, etc. I've been wearing wash-n-go styles so far but plan to do a braidout pretty soon as well as a bantu knot out; I think those will be my staple styles. But so far I love my wash-n-gos. What products do you use? Shampoos: Renpure Organics I Love My Hair, Cantu-SheaButter cream shampoo(sulfate) Conditioner: Herbal Essences Hello Hydration(I actually like this as a leave-in/detangler) and VO5 for co-wash Leave-in: Kinky Curly Knot Today as well as HEHH Deep Conditioner: 10 en 1, and Hair Mayo(protein) Oil: Olive Oil Stylers: Eco-styler gel, and KCCC What are your favorite styles and how do you achieve them? My favorite styles are the classic updo, braid/twist outs, and the signature wash-n-go. For the updo I start out with a braid out then section my hair off in three sections(one in the back,one towards middle/front, and one small section in the front).I then braid the back section going upwards into a french braid then brush up the middle section and connect it with the back section and put it into a bun or finish braid upwards, then lastly put the front section slanted to one side into a big curly poof and pin it (similar to J.Monae). For my braid/twist outs I simply moisturize and detangle my hair and put my hair into about six braids or twists and unravel the next day. I do my wash-n-gos by washing and conditioning then adding oil and eco stlyler and let it air dry. I plan on using my KCCC pretty soon! Is there anything else you want Naturally Leslie readers to know about your natural hair journey? |
I truly enjoyed transitioning and simply love my fully natural hair! I have so much I can do with it that I don't know where to begin. It has been so much fun experiencing with and since I cut my hair it seems like it already grew even more (crazy lol, of course in a good way)! If you really want to experience going natural just go for it; there's nothing to lose. I've received lots of compliments on my hair since my bc and even during my transition; some people even asked if I had any chemicals in my hair to make it the way it is. Sometimes my little sisters joke about my hair, calling it a chia-pet lol remember those (looney tunes were my fav). But I must say I wouldn't change a thing.
Thanks so much Leslie, as well as NaturallyLeslie readers. I love your blog!

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