So I saw this video and thought it was an interesting topic to discuss. What do you think about marriage and living together before marriage? Is it a religious issue for you or a matter of legality? Or both? I saw a video similar to this about a program that works to wed unmarried couples, especially those who have already had kids. I know that it is commonly discussed how so many African American children are born out of wedlock and many grow up in single parent households. Then, of course, we have many celebrity examples (Angie and Brad, Halle and Gabe, Kurt and Goldie, etc etc) who have 'successful' relationships where they have been together for years and continue to have and raise children. It seems that in our society, it is ok for them but then "regular" couples are looked down upon. Is this a double standard?

I do not consider myself a religious person but the idea of having children out is not for me. I don't know if it is because I think I will be judged or that in my profession, I am looked at as a role model for kids or what. But that is for me, I don't judge what other people do and I don't think of it as necessarily a right or wrong thing per se.
So check out this vid and drop your opinion. Do we need more Black marriages or more marriages in general? Or, should people be able to live together as they wish without the legal commitment? Some people might think less marriage equals less divorces, especially considering the divorce rate in this country. I wonder if the trend of less marriage has anything to do with the decline in people identifying as religious or members of a certain faith.
So complex, so interesting....weigh in!
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