17 months! My little fab locs have come a long way :-)

I've been relaxer free since the latter part of 05 and didn't fully embrace wearing my curls until Summer 07 - what took me so long! As my hair started to grow and I experimented with different product and hairstyles, I always found myself having hair envy when I saw someone with a beautiful head of locs!
At the beginning of this summer, I decided that I would loc my hair up at the end of the summer. I thought this would be an easy process, but I was wrong. I did lots of research on different ways to begin locs and decided on tiny braids. With my hair being so fine, I figured that would be the only way to start them - I was wrong! 3 days after I did a test set of five locs, my braids unraveled! Ok, back to the drawing board.
Someone mentioned sisterlocks, but I wasn't in the mood to pay for that. I finally ran into someone who started their locs via interlocking and tried a few on my head and realized this was the way to go!
I am going to be keeping track of my new journey on my blog From Fab Curls to Rockin Locs
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