Just doing a quick update. Last night my ropes were looking a hot mess and I stayed up all night wrapping them to make myself happy lol. I was so tired at work but on the upside they are looking the way I wanted them to. I had to latch a few but Ive been really trying not to do that to much but just rely on water and my favorite gel. Like Ive said before I'm deathly afraid of thin roots so Ive been leaving them to nature to do their thing and I'm so lazy I don't want to clip anything either. The wrapping has been working as they are starting to become uniform and united as time goes on. Ive also switched to a shampoo a friend let me try from Norwex called Aloe Vera shampoo which is almost 98.9 % organic except for maybe a preservative added in at the end which isn't to bad still about 3-4 on the toxin scale which I can say is better then most products out there. I'm also trying the bi weekly wash with this cause hell y'all she want to be selling this shampoo from Italy at 25 bucks a pop but hey you get what you pay for and I have to say I'm quite pleased. It has allowed my hair to stay moisturized without the extra residue and So far I haven't had to break out much product except my gel to re twist when required. This is probably a keeper and better then the Bronner Ive been using only because I don't have to ACV afterward which is a plus in my books (again the laziness lol) I spritz in the morning with water then go bout my biz. I'm so impatient I was also tempted to add extensions because I want the length but then what would be the point of the journey right? Life is good keep up the good fight yall XD
MuCh LOve

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