I love being natural. I love seeing other natural women when I am out and about. Most of all, I love that my mom is now natural again after 3 decades of perms!!!! She went natural about two and a half years ago and now I have the pleasure of styling her fabulous fro almost weekly. My mom's best friend is also natural and has been growing her hair for about 10 years. Her lovely locs hang to almost waist length!!!! Also, another one of her friends just did a bc and is sporting the cutest twa! It's got me so excited, I feel like a giddy two year old as one-by-one I see people embracing their natural curls.
So...it got me thinking. I am really interested in WHY these women have decided to leave the relaxers behind and move into their middle years with natural hair. I wonder what went into the decision making process, what the were motives, and how they feel about the change. I have decided to stop people anywhere I am if I notice any naturals over 40 to get the scoop. I must admit I am a bit nervous about talking to total strangers but everytime I have stopped someone about their hair before they seemed very eager and gracious to talk about it.
If YOU or someone you know is over 40 and wearing a beautiful head of natural hair, I would love to feature you on Naturally Leslie. All you have to do is send me an email and I will send you one back with a few questions for you to answer.
I think this will be a unique perspective and I look forward to seeing what kind of response I'll get. I will start with the people I already know (my mom, aunt, her friend), then move into any other lovely natural ladies I can find. As soon as I get them ready, I'll post. I'm so excited!!!!
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