Hey guys! I was over on Essence.com, as I sometimes am, and came across this feature about Black men and White women. Interracial dating, in general for some people, raises issues. But for other, the specific "Black man/White woman" combo really gets the wheels turning. Why is this? The feature tries to answer just that by delving into the history of interracial dating. All of this is on the heels of the release of the new movie Obsessed with Beyonce Knowles and Idris Elba (who I swoon for btw, sorry TMI) and progresses through other films like Jungle Fever and Waiting to Exhale to illustrate its points. Then, it (and at this point "it" is columnist Finesse Mitchell) goes on to make suggestions about what White women are doing (better) than Black women in terms of getting a Black man.
“My beautiful Queens of Color, White women don’t have Big Mamas. When a White woman—let’s call her Becky (because we think they’re all named Becky)—likes ‘Marcus,’ she’s all up in his face, getting his attention. Becky takes the guesswork out of who likes who, and some men like that. If a Black woman likes Marcus, she telepathically sends him a message that he almost never gets,” says Mitchell.
Then he goes on to talk about how White women are more open to dating blue collar. I feel like I've head this before. Then we just need to loosen up at parties and stop hatin on the fun-loving White girls in the club. Ok.
It goes on and on.
Another commentator had this to say:
“If you take a step down, it is something about us that is intimidating,” says Jeri of Baltimore. “There is nothing wrong with a White woman, but come on now, step your game up. I was definitely surprised to see Ice-T marry Coco.”
I don't know. I guess I don't judge myself buy what type of White woman another Black man chooses to date/love/marry.
So... go read it for yourself and tell me what you think. I'm sure most of us either know someone, or are someone who has dated "outside of their race". Is this something Black women need to get over? Is this a dead convo? Do you know Black women that still find this to be an issue? If so, what do those women (or people if it's guys) think about President Obama? I would be fascinated to hear what your opinions on this are.
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