Ok so I have to admit I'm lazy ..... scratch that I like to work smart not hard. I was looking through my email and noticed from one of my locking groups a vid from you tube. This guy had a super simple way of maintaining his locks.... He was using a micro fiber cloth to twists his locs. I was like what!!!? let me see this thing here I didnt believe it. He had this cloth and he explained that you use it in a continuous circular motion going in one direction around the head. He was rubbing so vigurously I thought he was going to break his neck but when he was done his locks were all tight.... I was like no way!!! I have to try this for myself so of course I grabbed a micro fiber cloth I bought from the dollar store. Nope no good left my locs all puffy and I had little dragons starting everywhere. I emailed him and asked him where I went wrong. He graciously sent me an email stating what I could have done wrong and that I should continue because I would see results with patience. I tell you the number one problem I had was using a cheap dollar store brand of micro fiber, it grabbed at nothing so therefor it would not twist the my locks in the desired way I wanted. The next problem was I was rubbing all over the place instead of rubbing in a uniform circular motion... If you rub your hair to the left then stay to the left always. So again 2nd attempt I bought micro fiber from walmart in the 3 pack for $6 bucks yall and what a deal :) . I washed my hair with just water and rubbed with the cloth and one thing is for sure my scalp is sqeaky clean. There is no itching and my scalp is stimulated from all the rubbing (sweet) Anyway I am happy with the results and since my hair has been so stubborn to lock (especially the front) and I even interlock most of the time, all those frizzies I'm creating will have my hair locking in no time. I dont think I'll stop interlocking all together but Im not down for the three hour twisting sessions either but if I can cut down any time to 10 mins that is all I need. Well all I can say is for me is that it works to an extent but the guy on the tutorial has beautiful dreads . I'll probably do this method once a week to create frizz and interlock where needed. The only thing with this technique though is that you have to watch out for double headed dragons. It's always best to go through the hair and make sure that a few locs havnt gone and married each other If your ok with this however then it's all good and also check to see if any of your locks have become very thin. I didnt realize that I had a few locs on the brink of extinction and had to combine some. People with very thin locks should stay away from this technique if you have pencil width locks or a little bigger then it should be ok. Anyway just thought I'd share a little something I learned today, check out his vid . ;)

Ive also included the web site for norwex (a micro fiber site) too.
Happy locing yall
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