Hey guys! Random ALERT: I LOVE coconut cake! There was some on the counter when I got home from internship today and I killed it. :)
I just wanted to say that I have had these Afro twists for a week and 2 days...and so far I LOVE them! It has been so cool to just get up and go without having to untwist, fluff, flounce, pick, wet or otherwise mess with my hair. I have not posted anything in the past few days because I have been so busy with school. This is my first real moment of "down time" I've had in a week.
So far I have washed them once. When the ladies twisted my hair, they put something on my scalp as they twisted. I could not see it but if my nose was correct I would say it was Let's Jam - you know, the slick gelatinous styling gel that is not really meant to go on your scalp! By the end of the week my scalp was done! To wash, I put my twists into ponytails, about 5 or 6 all over. The hope was I could get at my scalp without getting all the hair totally wet. I used a color applicator bottle to apply diluted shampoo and warm water to my scalp and I massaged it for a few minutes.
Then, I rinsed in the kitchen using the sprayer, again trying to get my scalp only. After I was done, I towel dried the hair that got wet and I used a blow dryer with a diffuser on cool to help dry the rest. I lightly applied some coconut oil to my scalp and braid spray/Infusium to the hair. Pretty easy! Now, they lay better and the ends are more curly. So far so good!
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