Hey guys! I hope your Sunday is going well, mine is rainy and gray! I posted last week about being tired of messing with my hair and needing a break. So on Wednesday, I went to G-boro to get some Afro twists. It took about four hours in total, there were two people working on me at once. I think they did a good job and they did not braid too tight. The base of each twist is a braid and then they began the actual twist part. The ends were left loose as opposed to twisting all the way down. The hair they used is from the Nafy collection and I think it is just Black. She made them about the length of my hair so I think it looks pretty natural, for the most part. To prep, I washed, conditioned/detangled, used KC Knot Today as a leave in, applied Sweet Almond oil to scalp and hair, then lightly blow dried my hair so they wouldn't have to rip through it as they parted. I think that worked pretty well and I did not lose much hair during the twisting process. I would definitely advise this to anyone thinking about getting any kind of extensions considering how they went through my hair obviously not caring about being gentle (at least not the kind of gentle my hair is used to getting from ME). The lady used a rat tail comb to section and 'detangle' any snarls she came to and she started from the root first (Aghhh :-/)! Luckily she did not have much 'detangling' to do so although I cringed as I watched her do it she did not seem to wreak much havoc.
Here is the finished product!
They did this diamond pattern all over my head which I suppose made the twists lay better:

Some back shots:

And the sides:

And this is my in my boyfriend's bathroom trying to get a shot in the mirror, lol.

So far I like them. I am definitely looking forward to a few months of no styling. I plan to wash my scalp as needed with a diluted shampoo and use Infusium/braid spray to mist the hair every few days or so as recommended on
GrowAfroHairLong.com. I will use a light oil like Sweet Almond sparingly on my scalp if I feel that is needed too. My friend says these look better as they get older so I look forward to seeing what they will be in a month!
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