After 18 years I decided to visit my country of origin the beautiful sunny Jamaica. It was my grandmother's 80th birthday and I was looking forward to visiting relatives. I had a wonderful time, the sun was always shining and I could stay on the beach forever. Seeing family again was the true highlight of my stay and I promise myself that I have to return again soon.

My hair was in the beginning process of dreads but I wasnt sure I liked the way they looked so of course I took them down over a three day period and had them braided by my cousin. I liked them but of course synthetics just dont agree with my skin for some reason and itched the heck out of my scalp. I told my self when I returned home I would start my locs again. It's funny when I was a teenager I always liked having my hair done in braides and would sit for hours to get it done, but now a days I just don't have the patience to sit long hours, or even keep them in for the intended time. My mom said I just wasted my money but honestly I just did it for picture sake since I had nothing to hide my dreads nest lol.

no choice but to wait for my end goal.
My Cousin Blacka and his Dreads

So I just had to get in some pictures of my cousins locs and they are awesome. He's had them now for over 20 years and they almost reach down to his ankles. I always thought his locs were beautiful and admired them as a child. He is a rastafarian and I have to say that although I want my own set of locs I'm not going to be following in his faith of practice ( No disrepect) rastas hold Ja as the very most high.

Anyway enjoy.... he informed me that his were free formed and left to nature. He washes them when needed and keeps them wrapped up most of the time when out and about (He's a farmer). He usually keeps them piled like a hat on his head and takes them down once in while (at a cousins request lol)
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