Saturday, February 28, 2009
It's Not Just Hair...I LOVE this Vid
Cross-Cultural Hair Care
Egypt (Northern Africa)
Ancient Egyptians used citrus juice to clean their hair and scalps. The acid cut the oil and sealed the cuticle to leave hair shiny and smelling fresh.
To the Ancient Egyptians, shiny black hair was the beauty ideal. They used a formula of juniper berry juice that darkened the hair and kept it from turning gray.
To stimulate hair growth, the Egyptians applied chopped lettuce patches to bald spots. Lettuce was associated with Min, the Egyptian god of virility.
Another hair growth formula included a scalp massage preparation made from Fir Tree extracts. The Egyptians extracted the resin, or made an infusion from the needles, then massaged it into their scalps.
The Egyptians also used Castor Oil to encourage hair growth. They mixed it with Sweet Almond Oil to improve the aroma and make the oil smoother and easier to spread.
The Ancient Egyptians believed that thick hair was best and often improved on their own growth with hair extensions and wigs made from human hair or sheep's wool.
Ancient Africans steeped flowers in Olive Oil to make fragrant hair tonics.
They also steeped herbs in Avocado Oil for a rich hair conditioner. The astringent properties of Avocado leaves also made infusions that were ideal for treating scalp problems.
African Shea Butter, also known as Karite Butter, comes from the nuts of a tree found in Central Africa. When used to condition the hair and skin, shea butter moisturizes and protects against ultraviolet rays.
The Eastern Indian culture has used Ayurvedic medicine for 5,000 years to cure a variety of ailments, including hair and scalp problems. Ayurveda was developed by ancient Indian holy men and emphasized prevention over cure. To stimulate hair growth and natural pigmentation, followers of Ayurveda boiled sage leaves in coconut oil and applied the blackened residue to the hair and scalps.
To treat head lice, Indians mixed Neem Oil (oil extracted from seeds of Margosa or Neem Tree) to the hair and scalp at night and rinsed with an infusion of Neem leaves in the morning. Neem Oil was also used to treat scalp fungi and to promote hair growth.
For an excellent hair conditioner, a centuries old tradition was to soak Fenugreek seeds in water overnight, then apply the paste to the hair. The mixture was left on, then thoroughly shampooed out.
Fenugreek was also used to combat hair loss. Indians mixed coconut milk with a pinch of black pepper and Fenugreek powder.
Amla Oil (made from Indian Gooseberries) boiled in coconut oil was used as a hair tonic to stimulate growth.
The Americas
Native Americans in the Southwest used jojoba oil for centuries to moisturize their skin and hair.
The Chickasaw Indians made a solution of wood and twigs from willow trees to prevent dandruff and other scalp conditions.
The Hopi Indians washed their hair in an infusion made from leaves of Rocky Mountain Juniper to keep it shiny and to prevent gray.
Mexicans applied aloe vera to add luster and manageability to their hair. The natural gel also protected their hair and scalp from the sun's rays.
The Amazon
In the rainforests of South America, the Taiwano Indians treated scalp problems with heated extract of banana.
For more than 2,000 years, Polynesian women have treated their hair with Monoi Oil, a blend of highly refined Nucifera Coconut Oil and Tiare flower. The Tiare is macerated, or left to soak in the oil, for weeks before it's ready to be used. This maceration gave the oil extra moisturizing properties.
"Shampoo" comes from the Hindu term Champo which means "to knead." By the 1870s, English hairdressers refined the term to include massaging and washing the scalp with soap, water and soda.
Lead combs were used in the 17th century to turn wet hair black. This method of "hair coloring" promoted lead poisoning and kidney failure.
16th century Venetian women applied caustic soda to their hair and sat in the sun to turn it a red-gold color.
In the 1500s, English women applied sulphur powder and saffron to their hair to create a fashionable red tint. The mixture also led to headaches, nausea and nosebleeds.
In the Victorian Age, women made a shampoo from white Castile soap and water.
Victorian women often rubbed eggs into their scalps to remove dandruff and to condition the hair and scalp.
To create shine, women rubbed Vaseline into their scalps and brushed it through their hair.
Table salt was rubbed into hair and brushed out to clean the scalp and revitalize the hair.
To treat oily hair, Victorians mixed Bay Rum with tincture of Catharides (A toxic preparation of the crushed, dried bodies of the beetle Lytta vesicatoria once used as a counter-irritant for skin blisters and as an aphrodisiac). This mixture was rubbed into the hair and scalp each day.
Hair loss was treated by applying a mixture of cologne, spirit of camphor and tincture of cantharides to hair roots each night. Another preventative measure called for mixing tincture of cantharides with Jamaica Rum, Glycerine, Sesqui-Carbonate of Ammonia, Rosemary Oil and Distilled Water.
Straight hair was artificially curled by applying a mixture of borax, gum Arabic, hot water and spirit of camphor to hair before rolling it.
Hair was lightened by washing with bi-carbonate of soda.
Vigorous brushing was the most prescribed hair care treatment. Using a stiff brush was supposed to keep the hair soft and shiny, while a soft brush was believed to stimulate hair growth.
Hairpieces and extensions were popular to enhance a lady's assets and could be purchased via mail order for $3-$5.
Miss Jessie's Stretch Silkening Update
Hey guys! So I tried this MJSSC and here are my thoughts. I like it for the most part. It has a nice scent and it is pretty light weight. This is not a product I would use every day or week because it does have some hold and it left a bit of a film on the ends of my hair. However, I would use it again to create a certain style or look that I only planned to wear for a special occasion or something like that.
I used it on my hair once and on my mom's hair once, both were two-strand twists. My mom's hair came out pretty nice; her twist-out was defined and shiny. On my hair, I washed, conditioned, detangled, and twisted using only the MJSSC to style. I liked how it defined the curls around my hairline and it laid down the frizz that I get at the crown area. I sat under a hooded dryer to help speed the drying process. Once I took it down, I actually did not wear it out but I pinned it up. That was the night I met up with Curly Nikki and some other lovely natural ladies for dinner. CN posted some shots on her site here. I kept my hair pinned up for the rest of the week so I was not able to really see how it would feel after leaving it out a few days. I have not used it since then so the next time I will try either a braid-out or a twist-out with it.
So to sum it up here were the pros/cons for me:
Slight flexible hold
Smooth fly aways
Slight film
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What the HELL happened to Lil Kim?????
So I almost feel silly for even posting about this but I am just a little shocked! What the hell has she done to herself???? Does no one else see this madness?!!! I always thought Lil Kim was a pretty girl, underneath the bad makeup and weave. But I guess she didn't think so. Wow. I'm almost speechless.
This picture is recent, it's her beside Derek Hough, her DWTS dance partner. I had seen some shots of her since she started this fiasco but this latest is just weird. It's like she wants to really LOOK white! Her skin looks soooo light in that photo and her nose is like, not her nose! I am surprised the hair is black and not blonde (or red or green or blue for that matter, but that's a different issue) but then again it looks like she's copy-cating the Kim Kardashian look. On the one hand, she's grown and can make her own decisions. On the other, what does this new "look" say about how she conceptualizes her beauty and how she presents it to the world? Is this an example of self-hatred (I have my own definitive opinion) or is this just another singer/"actress" who's had work to help her career? I feel sad for her, and for any young women who look up to her (although I don't know any by name, not a judgement just a truth) because of what this new image says. Wow. Aaagghhh!
And it just gets weirder....
It almost makes me wonder, and maybe this is a stretch. So...this is what happenes when you mix black self-loathing with tons of excess cash. What would happen to regular black folks if one day we were all dropped a load of cash?? Would more "regular" people run out and 'fix' their noses, lighten their skin, or sew in miles and miles of long black hair??? Scary.
MAC for Hello Kitty Haul!!
So, I know I've been MIA, but I think I'm back!! LOL I wanted to start off easy so here's my Hello Kitty haul!! I've been saving up for this for months so don't blame me ;] The hubby ended up buying me Strayin L/S & the Lucky Tom Palette after =] but here we goo...
<3 the packaging!
the gooodiesss
So I basically bought everything. LOL Thank god there aren't really good collections coming out any time soon. I loove it though I've been using Mimmy L/G and the Tippy blush it's sooo pretty. I have a FOTD to post from the Too Dolly palette but I'll post it later.
What I Got:
+ Fresh Brew L/S
+ Big Bow L/S
+ Cutester L/S
+ Most Popular L/S
+ Strayin' L/S [not pictured]
+ Nice Kitty L/G
+ Mimmy L/G
+ Sweet Strawberry L/G
+ She Loves Candy L/G
+ Fast Friends L/G
+ Pink Fish TLC
+ Popster L/G
+ Too Dolly E/S Palette
+ Lucky Tom E/S Palette [not pictured]
+ Milk Pigment
+ Tippy Blush
+ Fun & Games Blush
+ Tahitian Sand B/P
+ On The Prowl N/P
+ Something About Pink N/P
+ Brush Set
+ Large Make-up Bag
I didn't get a chance to get Fashion Mews because it was SOLD OUT! already =[ The MAC counter near me is supposed to call me when they get their second wave shipment - at least that's what the manager told me but I'm not sure if they get second shipments of those? I should have got that blue-green pigment but owell I think it's pro anyway so I'll just get it later! I know it's super late but let me know what you got from the MAC/HK Collection!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Jai Ho... Tha Remix!!!!
There's just no stopping A.R. Rahman! We got our hands on the remix of the Oscar winning song 'Jai Ho' featuring someone who is all too familiar with Desi Hits!, The Pussycat Dolls lead singer Nicole Scherzinger.
Desi Hits! CEO Anjula Acharia-Bath was one the first to uncover musical genius A.R. Rahman with Interscope records CEO Jimmy Iovine hard at work on the remix of this song from 'Slumdog Millionaire'. "I really think it’ll be a great dance anthem. It had an amazing beat and great writers; this track is the epitome of what Desi Hits! stands for, the collaboration of sounds from the East and West," said Anjula.
So does the song hold up? Well Nicole Scherzinger adds sexy vocals to the drum beats of A.R. Rahman. The song still contains the elements of the original version, which people loved enough to give an Oscar to. And Nicole Scherzinger stated in a past interview with Desi Hits! that she wanted to go Bollywood, and now she has.
She actually fits the instrumental in a refreshing and surprising way. This cultural anthem which captivates the audience during the film 'Slumdog Millionaire' is remixed to give you something new which will continue to give this film even more crossover appeal than it already has. As if 8 Oscars wasn't enough.
Stylistically, A.R. Rahman's instrumentation actually compliments the Pussycat Dolls style. The mesh of east and west comes together making it more into a love song adding lyrics that tell a story. If you close your eyes you can almost picture Latika and Jamal kissing in the train station.
Here is another remix from youtube. It's more of a club remix which I also love:Green Living
The site connects interested consumers with the tools and information on everything related to green, including:
- The largest directory of local, green-friendly businesses in the United States with over 20,000 small business listings;
- Consumer-generated how-tos, news and product reviews of new green offerings in the marketplace; and
- A community of likeminded individuals willing to share information and personal experiences with each other.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I know I should be blogging...
Anyway I'm still photoshopping the trillions of photos I have uploaded, so soon I'll update!
Meanwhile, here's someone who doesn't need photoshopping...
Pumpkin! Who now has hair long enough to be tied up into a top knot! Tying top knots are not only pretty, but actually good for the dogs, as the hair falling into their eyes often irritate them.
Juicy couture ribbon!
And one more of me in the cab going to meet Ringo...
Love ya all!
p/s: Ok you people need to stop harping on the flash thing. I've googled it, and there is no concrete proof that a camera's flash will hurt a dog's eyes anymore than it would hurt a human's.
Black-Latino Identity
I used to be a Spanish teacher and one thing I always found interesting was how my students did not know that you could be Black and Latino/a at the same time. They did not know that there were any Black Mexicans or that some Puerto Ricans are as dark as some Africans. This is interesting considering that"In 1570, enslaved Africans outnumbered Spaniards in Mexico three to one, but were reduced to only 10 percent of the population by 1810. On the Caribbean islands, Blacks outnumbered Whites by as many as 23 to 1." Brazil, whose people are often depicted only as light-skinned with wavy hair, has the largest Black population(fascinating article about race in Brazil) outside of Africa. It is no wonder though since most images we see of Hispanic people are either the light skinned Ricky Martin & J.Lo types or the brown-skinned indigenous "Indian" types. While those are definitely accurate descriptions of many Hispanics, you rarely see dark brown men and women representing Latino beauty in the media.
I think about people like Sammy Sosa (Dominican Republic, baseball player), Celia Cruz(Cuban salsa singer) and Zoe Saldana (Dominican/Puerto Rican actress from NY), just to name a few, who are all Latino but to many Americans are just considered Black.

This is a complex issue for many dark skinned Latinos. Some call themselves Afro-Latino (or more specifically Afro-Cuban, Afro-Panamanian, or Afro-Puerto Rican, etc.), which clearly emphasizes their African heritage. Other call themselves both Black and Latino. Now on forms, there is a "Black (not of Hispanic origin)" box that you can check which I assume is to address this very issue. However, not all darker skinned Hispanic people like to be referred to as Black. For some, this may be an issue of not wanting to be lumped into the "Black" category which brings the burden of many negative stereotypes and disadvantages. For others, "Black" simply may not fully represent the full experience of who they feel they are. This is an excerpt of an interesting article talking about the identity issues that come with being Latino with African ancestry:
Interestingly, efforts to increase awareness regarding Afro-Latino culture and plight can be found on the campuses of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). At Howard University, Nadine Bascombe heads Cimarrones, a 50-member black student union of Caribbean, Central, and South Americans that recently expanded to include a chapter at Benedict College in South Carolina. Before Afro-Latinos can even begin to link the black-Hispanic communities, more Afro-Latinos must embrace their African heritage. "Within the population of what are considered Afro-Latinos, not all people identify with being black, so they'll join the Latino organizations because it's more of an assimilation of being white," says Bascombe, a junior. "It seems that if you relate yourself to being black it's something negative, so with that problem existing within the Afro-Latino population, not too many people run towards having an organization with that name."
This all came to me as I was looking at and came across two beautiful Black Latina models. The first is Arlenis Sosa Peña who was discovered in the Dominican Republic.
The second is Sessilee Lopez, who is a self-described African-American fashion model (of Dominican and Portuguese decent), on the cover of Latina magazine. If you click the link it will take you to a letter to the editor written by a woman expressing her emotion over seeing a dark skinned Latina as the cover model.
I think no matter how you choose to label yourself, people will always go on what they see first. Unfortunately, there is still so much negativity surrounding what it means to be Black because of the history of stereotypes and under-representation (in a positive way) in the media. I think it's cool that we are beginning to see more and more people of color being represented in a positive light in our culture.
Clearly, there is no "one size fits all" descriptor for any ethnic or cultural group of people. This is a broad topic and many people have very strong opinions about it. any of you consider yourselves to be Black and Latino/a? Do you know anyone who is? If so, what has been your experience with this identity? I only ask because I find it fascinating how we as Americans deal with the complexities of race (a social construct in my opinion), color and identity. What do you guys think?
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Miss Jessie's Trial
In the past, before my second BC and after for my short curls, I have used Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercream, Curly Meringue, and Curly Pudding. I used the CM/CP for twist outs and wash-n-go's and the BB for moisture/twists also. I liked how the CP smelled, although it was strong at times, and I liked the CM because the hold was not as hard as with the CP. The BB was a bit greasy, but in a filmy kind of way (probably because of the mineral oil and petrolatum) and I did not really like the smell after a while. As my hair grew I started experiementing with other products and have not really thought about Miss Jessie since. That was until today!
My aunt just recently did a BC and was interested in products for her short hair. I remembered how much the CP defined my curls when I had about an inch of hair and so I sent her a link to the site. The website is so different since I last visited and I found myself browsing through all the pictures of beautiful curls. Their product line has also expanded a great deal. One of the new products caught my eye - the Stretch Silkening Creme.
Here's the description from the Miss Jessie's site:
Stretch Silkening Crème is a quicker to dry whipped soufflé that delivers an amazing plump curl and a brilliant shine. Fabulous for fingerstyling. The lightest of the curl crème bunch.
I purchased the SSC from a local beauty shop. The total price with tax was around $40. I know, I know! That is a ton of money, and believe me I was hesitant. I wasn't going to get the big size (16oz) but my mom and I share produts and go halfsies. I am hoping it will provide nice hold for two-strand twists/twist-outs as well as some moisture. It smells delicious-kinda like how Pantene used to smell before it changed scents and before the relaxed and natural line came out. There is dimethicone and hydrolized wheat protein, which I know these ingredients bother some people, but I usually shampoo once a week anyway so I don't mind trying things with cones. And I have never had any problems with the wheat protein either. Anywhoo...just thought I would share. I hope to try this weekend so I can post about the results. We'll see!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
MAC Hello Kitty Contest!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Yay for cheap flights from MAS!
Thinking of flying? With the low fuel prices nowadays, everyone's thinking about it!
In that case, I've got good news for you! Malaysian Airlines (MAS) is offering many straight routes from Singapore to anywhere in Malaysia!
It's perfect for short trips to KL for the chio KL twin towers...
Or Penang for the greatest Salted egg yolk prawns I've ever had...

Or... maybe... For our 3rd year anniversary, Mike and I can go visit beautiful Langkawi again...

I miss that place so much! I've been thinking of the turquoise clear waters and the silver fishes darting around...

Well, whether you want to go to Kota Kinabalu to climb a mountain, or go to Malaysian beach resorts for a scuba diving trip, you can use MAS!
At a really low price of $100!!! That's for Singapore to Langkawi and Penang!
For $49 you can fly to KL, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu!
Why waste time and sit on a coach for 7 hours when a flight only takes 1 hour? Plus planes have loos... Honestly man, I rank "wanting to pee on a coach" one of the worst feelings in the world to have... I know some coaches have loos la... But those are really ewwwwww...
I'll be honest - I have not flown MAS before, but I heard that their service is great and the seats are nice and comfy. :) Well, the travel fairs have always urged me to fly with MAS, and this time I really might! To Langkawi that is!
Thinking of a longer vacation out of Malaysia?
SIN - London : $700!!
SIN - AMSTERDAM : $710!!
Or... To Paris maybe? For some romance?
SIN - PARIS : $700!!
How about a little nearer to SYDNEY?
SIN- SYDNEY : $395!!
The travelling period is from 17th Feb til 30th of September. Malaysia Airlines Travel Fair (MATF) is now till the 19th of Feb (which ending in 3 days!) so do hurry!!
p/s: Please note that prices are for one way only.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
For my next Shea butter mix...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
L'Oreal's New Line is Sulfate Free
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Yejide and Bac-2-my-ROOTS
YEJIDE Njambi Parry has beaten the odds to preserve black culture through an authentic movement she created, Bac-2-my-ROOTS.
She is emerging as a culture icon whose goal is to preserve and enhance Black Beauty, Culture and Heritage through creative means. “Black people are not comfortable with their identity. We need to learn about ourselves, our hair and embrace it. The only way that we can be comfortable with our identity is if we accept and respect the characteristics God gave us. He made all of us in a unique way.” Yejide said in a recent interview.
Yejide’s interest in natural beauty processes can be traced to her childhood. At the age of 12, she was already braiding natural hair. Her passion grew when she connected with the Rastafarian movement as a young adult. She said she was attracted to the movement because its members embrace a natural way of life: “Being one with nature and accepting themselves and their afro-centricity.”
“I love it when they appreciate themselves, when they accept they are somebody. They are black and beautiful. I enable them to appreciate themselves and thus turn away from the myth that black isn’t beautiful. We need to take the kinks from our minds and not our hair. After all, God made no mistake when he made us black with kinky hair.”
To read the article in its entirety click here.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Love and Politics from India

I was not always a BIG fan of India Arie though I always liked her. But after listening to snippets of this album online, I really like it. It feels light and fresh, not so deep that it's depressing but still thoughtfully written material. Her voice is so distinctive, you always know when you're experiencing India which I find refreshing. If you're a fan, check her out here where you can listen to 30 seconds of each song. I especially like Therapy, Chocolate High, River Rise, and A Beautiful Day.
Check out Therapy below (I love it!):
Here's her video for Chocolate High with Musiq Soulchild:
The story starts about 3 weeks ago when I got Pumpkin. She had really bad Kennel Cough!
For those who have no idea what I am talking about, Kennel Cough is a highly contagious cough that loads of puppies have, especially those bought from Kennels because, well, highly contagious like I said.
So poor Pumpkin was hacking her throat out. On the morning of the second day I bought her, when I took her out of her cage, she literally just flopped on the floor and wouldn't move.
I panicked and called about 10 vet clinics and all of them were jam-packed! (Wah vets business damn good leh!) Except for one...
(Geez must I disclaim EVERYTHING?? It's not that her business is bad, it's just that she happened to have a free slot.)
So I went to that clinic.
The first vet I encountered there was very young and female. Like late 20s? I didn't know what I was expecting, but I guess I expected vets to be like GPs?? Mostly uncles??
Anyway she was really nice lah.
The next time I went, the other vet working there is also young and female.
I was like -_- wtf this place full of chio girl vets... The whole time she was talking to me about Pumpkin I was wondering why her skin is so nicely tanned. And such straight teeth!
The third time I bought Pumpkin to the vet, Mike went with me.
Me, to Mike, "The vets are chio, don't fall in love with them ah! Don't forget they are animal lovers and will fill your house to the brim with dogs!" (Mike doesn't like animals.)
Mike told me to stop being paranoid.
After the visit I asked Mike if the vet is chio and he said "Not bad". -_-
So ANYWAY. I swear this story has a point and it's coming!
I was surfing SPCA's site trying to find Obedience classes for Pumpkin when I saw this:
That's right. That's my vet and she was Miss Singapore Universe.
Totally didn't recognise her in real life.
She kinda looks different in photos (her face seems to be skinnier in real life) so I am like 99% sure it's her. After all, how many chio vets whose name is Cheryl have that dog (I saw it in the clinic) and graduated from Sydney?
Anyway I dunno why I am so surprised la. I guess I didn't expect Miss Singapore Universes to be doing a job as steadfast as being a doctor. I thought people who enter beauty pageants are more attention-seeking (not a bad thing ok!)/trying to get fame/looking for a fast track to becoming a cookie-cutter MCS actress...
Confirm weird to see your vet in a bikini.........
SEE MIKE?? I WASN'T PARANOID! She was chioest in Singapore during 2005, I have all rights to be insecure!! (Actually I am not insecure but I'm just saying I have all reason to be)
Anyway I'm sure someone told Dr Tay to read this, so Hi Dr Tay (and Dr Daphne if you are reading too!)!!!!!!!! Pumpkin's much better now thanks to your meds!! :D
I might as well answer questions regarding Pumpkin since so many of you asked.
- She is a pure-bred Yorkshire terrier. Her daddy is some Thailand champion, and so is her grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. People got papers one hor! One of her grandmas is called Chichi Rose. -_-
- She is not a "teacup" yorkie. I checked and teacups cost about $11,000, and yes, as I am frequently reminded, they are very unhealthy. Currently at 4 months old PK weighs 700grams.
- She cost me $2,800, of which $800 is paid by Mike for my Xmas present. I know that's expensive, but stfu, I think she's worth it. If you have to look at something for the next 15 years, obviously you have to think that thing is beautiful right? Why spend zero dollars on a dog that I don't like and then mistreat it??
Anyway that's that lah! Quit harping on how commercialised I am! I've got nothing to blog about so even without the adverts there will be no posts!
It does seem like everyone is having fun with the Phlook comments though. I love how innovative you all are, calling me fat and ugly and slutty in most pictures. Woohoo!!
p/s: Love the comments on Plasticzilla's Phlook's photos! Hilarious! Poor chick can't delete them fast enough, ahaha... Anyway, I didn't know that she was also doing the Phlook advert, otherwise I would never have agreed to do it.
That's right! From now on I vow to not accept any adverts that also involve her, because I think that plagiarisers and liars really put all other bloggers to shame and should not be able to earn money from blogging.
As such, advertisers will have to choose between going for me, or for her. If you really want to advertise with her, go ahead - I deem your product unworthy to be put on my site anyway since you have such bad taste.
The choice is clear. Do you really want to advertise on a liar's website? Smear your brand's name with the same brush as that of the luxury bags' scam? Don't take my word for it! See this.
Oooh yes I am still harping on Dawn! Why the hell not? Still makes me feel good. Bite me!