This post is going to be cheesy and totally non-makeup/beauty related but it's just something I wanted to share with you guys since I never really get too personal. If you've been following my blog or twitter for a while you probably already know that I am a military wife. It's so weird to put down in writing considering I'm only 21 years old, but I have been married for 3 years and I don't regret a thing. We didn't get married because I got pregnant or any other situation where people rush to get married (not that there's anything wrong with that!) but simply because we were in love. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing and some people called us crazy, but we've had 3 happy years together and I wouldn't change a thing.

our little family <3
our little family <3
The reason I mention that I'm a military wife is because only other "fellow military wifeys" know what it is to be one. We don't have kids, but I really look up to the ones that do. It takes an extremely strong woman to support her family and raise her children while her husband is out serving his country. I grew up with a lot of friends whose parents were in the military and I never really understood it but I always thought to myself that I would never want to be married to a military man. But you know what they say: never say never! I can't even begin to describe all the emotions that come with being married to one. My husband isn't just married to me, he's married to the military too and he has to put her first. I couldn't grasp that concept at first, but slowly but surely I've learned to. I don't know how it is for you other wifeys out there but some emotions never change for me. One is the feeling that I get when we're reunited after a few months - it's like butterflies & I swear I fall in love all over again. The other (and the worst) is the feeling I get every time he has to leave. This is what I mean when I say only other wives can understand. I hate it. I hate being separated from him. But I do it because I have to. I've learned to suck it up (a little) and accept that as long as I want to be with him and he's in the military, this is my life. Don't get me wrong, I love that he has job security, we have opportunities to travel, not to mention serving the country is so much more of a bigger thing than I am, but it's not an easy life. As much as I hate it, though, I wouldn't trade it for anything because that first feeling I mentioned is worth it all.
Anyway, I'm just rambling on and on but the reason I mention it is because the hubby was deployed for most of this year and in the past 10 months, I've only seen him for 2. He recently left for his next duty station and I decided to stay back because of school so I won't be seeing him until Christmas break. It was definitely a tough decision for me to make, but we both decided that it was best for our futures and just like the last 10 months flew by, I'm sure the time I have left in school will fly by too (at least I'm hoping!) But I just wanted to share some pictures from our little adventures we had the month that he did come back (Sept - Oct) since I went MIA from blogger then! We were seriously gone ALMOST every weekend! San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix - we were all over the place! lol It was so much fun but so exhausting at the same time.
**WARNING: this is picture heavy!

dinner with some friends

driving to San Diego

PIFA (Pacific Islander Festival) in San Diego, CA

ready to hit up Las Vegas

on the LV strip (he is so silly)

our first NFL game: Cardinals vs Saints

more silliness @ the Jack Johnson concert
Hope you guys enjoyed the post! Idk if you guys enjoy reading these personal ones along with the beauty related ones I'd love to hear some feedback =)
Anyway, I'm just rambling on and on but the reason I mention it is because the hubby was deployed for most of this year and in the past 10 months, I've only seen him for 2. He recently left for his next duty station and I decided to stay back because of school so I won't be seeing him until Christmas break. It was definitely a tough decision for me to make, but we both decided that it was best for our futures and just like the last 10 months flew by, I'm sure the time I have left in school will fly by too (at least I'm hoping!) But I just wanted to share some pictures from our little adventures we had the month that he did come back (Sept - Oct) since I went MIA from blogger then! We were seriously gone ALMOST every weekend! San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix - we were all over the place! lol It was so much fun but so exhausting at the same time.
**WARNING: this is picture heavy!
dinner with some friends
driving to San Diego
PIFA (Pacific Islander Festival) in San Diego, CA
ready to hit up Las Vegas
on the LV strip (he is so silly)
our first NFL game: Cardinals vs Saints
more silliness @ the Jack Johnson concert
Hope you guys enjoyed the post! Idk if you guys enjoy reading these personal ones along with the beauty related ones I'd love to hear some feedback =)
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