Vincent is an incredible photographer and artist and and I feel lucky to know him personally and work with him professionally on some of his upcoming ventures.
If you've never been to the Garden, here's what you've been missing:
Pangaea’s Garden is the sanctuary for striking images that pay homage to the exotic beauty of that Earth Sista that was always close to home. This is a place for the art, images and culture that capture the sensuous harmony of the earthbound soul. The works featured here can be created by anyone who has an appreciation for the aesthetic. Feel free to join us in cultivating the garden. Lets help the project to grow. ~TPG
Now, I know that some people are uncomfortable with nudity. It is understandable considering we typically see naked women in degrading or pornographic presentations. However, Vincent's desire is to showcase beautiful natural women in a way that is sensual and yet respectful. As natural women, we often talk about the lack of representation in the media and how that affected us as we grew up. I think Vincent's images are soft and powerful, and put a spotlight on all the wonderful features that are unique to the natural Black woman.
Vincent's Garden is a grown and sexy yet tasteful feast for the senses that hopefully you will enjoy as much as I do. Here is a sample of what you will see on The Pangea's Garden Project:

So head on over to TPGP and take a look around.
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