Attended the Singapore River Festival with other Nuffnang bloggers. It was blistering hot but fun!
Tied my hair in a bow for the night.
If you wanna know how I did it check out this video!
I must say it looks uber cute with blonde hair! Not liking the roots though.
With Pinkpau and Kenny
With Jessica and Boss Ming atop our boat ride! It was so breezy on the boat. Fun!
Wongsie's birthday!
At Udders eating lovely ice cream. I had earl grey and durian! Mad love.
Lewis and Eekean stuffing faces
And there's her taking a picture with the courtesy lion.
And the pool noodle I just bought! -_-
Saw a most gorgeous rainbow just outside the old condo. Mike woke me up to see it, saying, "Baby, you'd have to see this!"
Even the LX3's wide-angle lens were not enough to capture the rainbow from end-to-end, so I stitched it up with photoshop. Not a very good job though. Oh well!
It's not often we see such big rainbows in Singapore!
Pumpkin before her spaying... So cute!
How adorable is she?
(And in case anyone is wondering, the reason why I didn't use the Juicy doggie bag is because this bag is softer and more comfy for Pumpkin. I reckoned that after her traumatizing operation she'd wanna rest in a more comfortable bag.)
Shuyin and I went to a Jewelry fashion show Dr Lee invited us to. It also coincides with the launch of her skincare products.
Inside the tent
Host Vivian Tan
Dr Lee in super chio shoes
Ultra hot models
Midway through the show Zoe Tay appeared and sat next to Dr Lee, right in front of me!
She kept turning to whisper to Dr Lee so I tried to snap a photo of her but...

Damn unlucky! All I got were shots of her when she is turned the other way!!
Anyway, I shouldn't have fret coz at the end of the show she was nice enough give photo-opportunities to everyone!
We had to go through a short queue to take a pic with her!
I look madly fugly in this picture.
I already did massive photoshop but I still look like a penguin. Somehow. Penguiny.
Anyhow the first time Zoe Tay said to me was "Hen jiu mei you kan dao ni le hor? Zai mang she me?"
Translate: "Haven't seen you in a long time! What have you been busy doing?"
I blabbered some answer coz I was panicky and starstruck. Zoe Tay leh! Famous since I was like 12!
I told this to Shuyin and Shuyin asked me "So when WAS the last time you saw her?"
I said I don't remember and I don't think the last time I saw Zoe she actually noticed me. (Ie I was in the audience or whatever)
We concluded that our ah jie was just being nice and trying to make me feel special. Whoopie! :D
With Eileen Wee and Paul Twohill. I haven't seen Eileen in super long!
Pumpkin with her bling hair clip.
Her only redeeming factor is that she loves to curl up on my lap. Once she is there, she contentedly adjusts herself into a comfortable position and refuses to leave.
Even if I tip her out she just hops back in. LOVE!
Best trick to get good pet photos is to hold their treat/toy just beside your camera and snap!
Lala and I at the premiere of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (I wrote Half Bloody Prince HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! Imagine not full bloody only half bloody HAHAHAHA! Ok stop.).
Wearing GOLD for Gryffindor, and round glasses + green eyes for Harry!
Courage above all!
I thought the movie was ok. That's only coz I have mega low expectations for HP movies as 3,4 and 5 sucked SO BAD.
What the fuck happened to Chris Columbus??
He directed movie 1 and 2 and they were totally FABULOUS! He was the only director who specifically said that he tried his best to stick the movies as closely as possible to the books.
Ok just saw this in wiki:
Chris Columbus had expressed interest in directing the seventh Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; but David Yates, the director of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince has since retained the position to direct both parts of the film.
BAH HUMBUG. Don't like David Yates.
Also don't like the fact that the cast is all-British as per J K Rowling's insistence. Let's face it... Hollywood actors are usually better!
With Timmy and Mike at The French Stall:
Duck with risotto, foie gras, and creamed spinach as a side order. :D
That's it! I was busy eating and not taking pics. LOL!
Berry lovers! With Huiwen and Dweam at the Cenosis Glass House.
After that went to meet secondary school friends for dinner at Dallas:
Where got people so old already still don't wanna take photos one??
My crispy roast chicken!
It's very nice lah! The sauce is shitty but the chicken is tender and has really crispy skin!
The beans are HEAVILY buttered (LOVE!!) and the mashed potato is sooooooooo good!
After dinner we went to MindGames (something like settler's cafe) where we played Taboo and my team won! MUAHAHA! I'm super competitive!
Got tickets to go watch NDP rehearsal thanks to Wanyi!!!!!!
My friends think that my handicapped toilet saga is very funny. I have SO MANY PHOTOS of them snapping me as I exit the toilet. -_-
Come out of temporary toilet they also must ambush me!
Anyway I'm posting it coz I look mad skinny here with biggish boobs! MUAHAHA!
Midori (left) and Wanyi excitedly opening the NDP freebies bag.
Sea of RED... It's touching to see all Singaporeans united in making the stadium look so cool.
Best buddy for stifling events like these!
Weili + Ferris wheel in the background
Mr Bean provided our drums and this is the drumstick!
So cute!
Zac Zac also inside the goodie bag! Can something tell me what has High School Musical's official magazine got to do with National Day?
Can you imagine I took the MRT back home looking like that? Haha!
People must be thinking I'm one of those patriotic freaks.
Little girl sitting in front of us is soooo pretty!
Good at camwhoring too!
We were provided with a butter sugar roll...
The inside is just a slab of butter mixed with grains of sugar. Very kua kua lor... But not bad nonetheless.
Everyone standing up to say the pledge.
Check out this abomination they created! Mad fugly PAPERY figurines of the 4 main races in Singapore. Looks super scary, especially the CHINESE one! Wearing those olden Chinese costume... It fucking looks like a ghost lor!
My favourite National Day song is "We will get there" by Stef Sun. :D
Love the heart-shaped fireworks!
Good thing about it being a rehearsal is that the traffic was not too bad when we were going back!
Oooh! And also I think the funniest part of the day was when they announced that the Prime Minister/President has arrived.
Obviously Mr Lee and Mr Nathan cannot go for each rehearsal right, so they had to get someone dressed in a short-sleeve white shirt and white pants to replace the political figures!
The cameras were all focused on these, for the lack of a better word, nobodies. They had to act damn serious and not laugh even though the whole stadium was laughing at them!
Then they were like waving regally to the crowds and all. HAHAHA! FUNNY NOT??
Anyway, not only word about there being too many adverts!
1) You may wish to skip the adverts if you don't feel like reading them. They don't affect your life in the least. And also, some people DO enjoy reading them!
2) It is only because of the Adobe advert that I'm even writing this post! I just moved into my new place and I'm super duper busy unpacking and packing! But I thought you all might complain so I blogged this too!
3) Need money. Bugger off.
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