Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fresh off the Chopping Block... It's Joi!

This is my friend Joi who recently just BC'd. Isn't it totally cute?! I asked her a few questions about her journey and here's what she had to say....

NL: I had no idea you were considering the natural thing. What made you decide to go natural?

I was natural in college but it was short-lived due to my lack of research in caring for natural hair. I did not realize how much goes into caring for natural hair.

But this time I have a great support system. All of my closest family and friends are on the same journey.

This time I decided to go natural because of many things. The cost of relaxing every 4-6 weeks, the chemicals within relaxers (one website said the same ingredients are in Drano) and mostly I just wanted to be me.

Just the way God made me, natural and all!

NL: I know you just got married last year and you had a lot of hair! Now that you bc'd, how did your hubby respond to the change?

Originally, he was not too happy about the change. He is not a fan of short hair. He was afraid of how I would look after the cut.

Now, he is okay with it but she is looking forward to seeing it longer. He is not a fan of short hair but could care less if it is natural or not.

NL: What have you learned about your hair that you did not expect?

Everything on YouTube does not work for you! I have super thick 4b hair so I was expecting after I use this or that product my hair would have waves like the videos I watched.

My hair is 4b and will never look like 3b. Products work different on different types of hair, period. I would recommend that you try things you see on the web but do not be too disappointed if it does not work for you.

Also, I have learned it is so easy to turn into a product junkie.

NL: What is your regimen and fave products?

Morning: Spray hair with Glycerin mixture (2/3 water; rest glycerin and a few drops of rose oil; sometimes I add olive oil) and spray with miracle 8 oil spray for shine if needed.

Evening: I have really thick hair so I use about a nickel worth of “The Super” (which was featured on this website, THANK YOU Naturally Leslie), then I stray lightly with miracle oil

I rarely use shampoo but if I do I use Burt’s Bees Super Shiny Grapefruit and Sugar Beet Shampoo. I use Olive Oil conditioner for daily conditioning and I deep condition with the following:

2 tbl of coconut oil

1 ½ tbl of coconut cream

12 oz of nonfat plain yogurt

Next time, I may add a lime because I heard it helps to release your curl pattern more. I am still trying to find a product that will help me to define my curl pattern.

Thanks Joi and much luck as you continue on your natural journey!

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