So I'm wandering the net through the many wonderful blogs Ive come across and fell on this one site that really inspired me. "the road to queendom" I seriously felt like wow this is where it's at. She had so many beautiful ladies on there who wore their locs beautifully and one questioned she posed was why have you chose to wear locs? Well honestly I never given it much thought till then. After sitting and comtemplationg the whys Ive found personally that Ive decided to lock my hair because it's what nature intended. I'm such a free spirit and yes although locking ones hair is no means low maintenance as people think, having my hair locked allows me to express myself in it's most natural form and Ive never felt freer in my life. Always having to go to the salon and sit through hours of chemicals or braidings or any hair related venture took time away from my life and I'm sorry I never had the courage to loc sooner. Locking my hair teaches me patients and the willingness to accept myself for who I am and show others that it's ok to be your self and not what hollywood wants you to be. Locking my hair means I have to say yes I'm locking because I can and debunking the myths that surround locking hair. I am beautiful and Ive never felt so much more then now. I wake up with a smile on my face and say "Hey this is me and this is my hair" and I love it. God has given me choices and Ive decided to take care of my temple starting with my hair it can only get better from there. ;3
Peace and Blessings

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