Today I'm feeling a little sad about my locs.... to me they arent looking like what I expectd them to and I guess thats just because my hair texture is so soft (I'm sure I'll get over it tommorow) Anyway another thing thats got me down is that I went and tried extentions in there and nope not for me. Some of them got so badly tangled in there I had to lop off a few and now I have these little buds (well two to be exact) In the center of my scalp and one in the front. To salvage I had to wrap them with some extention hair. I seriously dont know what possesed me to get up in my hair like that. I think cruising through so many blogs Ive become a little loc envious and tried to create something that I'm not. My hair is puffing up, unravelling and just plain ol acting up..... Oh I know this is part of the process but seriously can we skip this part :( Anyway just wanted to rant I'm sure I"ll feel better about the whole thing as time progresses. There are just way to many pros to stop now. Ive also been experimenting with twisting my locs but that just doesnt work for me Ive tried different methods of maintainance but I always end up going back to interlocking. I wash once every few days with pantene clarifying shampoo and rinse with ACV and then I put some ORS locking gel mixed with aloe in it (JUst for the moisture not really to loc) I wonder if my method is a bit faulty what do you Suggest? Today I ran out of shampoo so I used my husbands head and shoulders (with aloe) my head is still a bit itchie and another thing about those extentions avoid them if you have scalp problems they just add to them. I think the chemicals they use to clean the hair just sets of the itch (not worth it) I think it's going to take a few washes to get my hair PH normal again.
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