Monday, May 11, 2009

Hair Food...Prunes

So I've added prunes back into my diet and couldn't be happier. Yes, prunes! I know when most people think of prunes they imagine them going in one end and pushing stuff out the other! Gross...sorry. Maybe they are good for that too. But prunes also have a whole host of other benefits that should make you want to give them a second look. As we all know, eating more fruits and veggies can only help most Americans in terms of leading a healthier lifestyle. In addition, the prune has some other amazing credits to its name:

Scientists at Boston's Tufts University found that prunes came out on top in tests for oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC).

This simply means they are better than any other fruit at soaking up the free radicals which can lead to cancer, heart disease and aging diseases. (No small deal considering African Americans- hell Americans in general- suffer big time from these issues!)

"If you eat prunes you will double or triple the levels of ORAC in the blood compared to eating fruits lower down the order" he said.

"If these findings are borne out in further research, people may be able to reduce the risk of diseases simply by adding high-ORAC fruits to their diets."

"Prunes are good for hair, nails, skin, growth and vision and are packed with fibre, potassium and iron and contain no fat or cholesterol. We already know that what we eat impacts not only our internal function but also our external physical appearance.

Taken from:

Also, considering bone health issues in women,

"Through medical research, it is believed that 100 milligrams of prunes, approximately nine to 10 prunes per day (
I don't know if can stomach 9-10 a day but I might be able to do half that!), is sufficient to reverse the aging process of osteoporosis. While prunes have long been shunned for the laxative affects, healthcare professionals and nutritionists commonly suggest prunes for the overwhelming age defying health benefits which far outweigh the gastrointestinal side effects."

They contain potassium and iron which essential for healthy blood. Fibre and natural chemicals to keep you regular! (Shame that it is the butt of so many jokes). Vitamin A and vitamin C to help maintain healthy hair and skin. Chromium which maintains healthy blood sugar levels. Lutein to prevent eyesight failure and slow-release sugars to keep energy levels up during the day.

So lots of good benefits for body and HAIR!!! I bought the singles kind like in the pic so they are easy to pack and I can take them wherever I go. So what do you think? Should prunes make a comeback in your diet?

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