Sunday, March 6, 2011

Updates on Motherhood...

Hello everyone! Over the weekend I officially became a mother! I cannot describe what an amazing journey the last three days have been and I know it will only get better. I am so happy and blessed to have a healthy, beautiful, perfect little boy. He arrived Friday afternoon at 3:48pm, weighing in at 6lbs 10oz, and just at 19 inches long.

I labored from Wednesday night at 7:10pm, making two trips to the hospital over the next day before being admitted on the third trip on Thursday night. I had never heard of prodromal labor before but I was having pretty regular and painful contractions that were not helping me advance through labor. So basically it felt like labor but technically wasn't because it was not helping me dilate. It was not until Thursday night around 11pm that I was considered in actual "real" labor by the doctor. Madness!

Long story short, by the time I was admitted I was exhausted and the pain had increased to a point where I decided to get an epidural. Turned out to be the right decision for me even though I had not originally planned for it. One thing I learned through this whole process was just how quickly the best laid plans can change and you have to adapt to the situation at hand. I don't feel guilty or disappointed at all and I am grateful the option was available. I really think it helped me be present through what turned out to be a somewhat difficult delivery considering baby was turned sunny-side up and endured a bit of stress to his heart.

After the epidural, according to my husband, I became human again! I labored and slept in peace for a few hours until it was time to push. I pushed for about an hour and a half beginning around 2:00pm. Immediately after I began pushing, the doctor commented on all the hair she saw! He had like 3 inches of shiny black hair and it was amazing to see! Unfortunately like I mentioned above, he was in a bit of distress because he was face up and struggling to pass through my pelvis. In the end, I was able to deliver without needing a c-section but I was not able to hold him immediately. Two specialists and a crew of amazing nurses came in and took care of him, watching his heart rate and his head which was squeezed pretty badly. After about fifteen minutes, I was told all was fine with my son. I was able to hold my little bundle and it was the best moment of relief and love. Everybody thinks their kid is perfect and I have proven to be no different!

Hanging with daddy

All the nurses and doctors at my hospital were beyond amazing to me, my husband, and our son. They took such good care of all three of us and helped us adjust to this new life as parents. I left feeling confident and prepared for the next phase and by Saturday evening they told us we could leave the next day when we felt comfortable.

Supplementing with mommy
The ride home!
We got home later the next morning to begin our new lives as a threesome and it has been worth the wait. To all the parents out there, I appreciate your advice so feel free to continue to share. Thank you to all my readers for your continued support and encouragement. I <3>

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