Anyway, here's piccies from almost 2 months ago on the 28th of April - my birthday!
Friends came over at the stroke of Midnight to surprise me! =)
Shuyin even pretended to chat with me on msn on her phone to convince me that she wasn't coming over!!
I asked her why her font turned grey instead of her usual purple and she conjured some lie to patronise me. Hahaha!
Here's Alyssa's present for me! Jagabees in a pink box!!!
Up till now still haven't finish lor! :D Thanks babe!!
Awesome friends! Clockwise from left: Alyssa, Wanyi, Chups, Eileen (whose birthday is today), Shuyin, and me!
With Mike. So happy!
And then that evening, Mike is bringing me out for a nice dinner at Al Forno's!
Two more taken inside the car
In the restaurant awaiting food
My gorgeous pink hair thanks to Mosche!! xoxo
Some call me the Amazing Fork Balancer.
Check it out! I'm so artsy-fartsy.
Our $18 appetitizer...
Vongole in white wine sauce.
Super lovely, but a tad sandy.

Super yums mushroom risotto, added some prawns as a special order.

Mike's pizza... He says Al Forno's pizzas are the best he's tried in SG too!

I love my birthday dress!

Vongole in white wine sauce.
Super lovely, but a tad sandy.
Super yums mushroom risotto, added some prawns as a special order.
Mike's pizza... He says Al Forno's pizzas are the best he's tried in SG too!
I love my birthday dress!
Found this note written by Mike kiap-ed inside the pages of my The Devil Wears Prada book as I was rereading it.
I think he gave this to me quite long ago. Isn't he the cutest???
The note reads "This is a decoy" at the back, but when I asked him what the decoy was for, he said he doesn't remember! Hahaha... We both have such bad memories.
Pumpkin is a magic dog!!
Seriously man!
I always love to say I shit glitter and rainbows but check this out!
Here's a patch of Pumpkin's pee on an old newspaper.
Are you looking carefully??
I swear!
It's like literally sparkling when I saw it!
I was so amazed I had to take pictures and I even took a video!
So far this pissing glitter thing has already happened twice and I have no fucking idea why it is so! I'm pretty sure I have not been leaving glitter out for it to eat or anything like that.
Is this normal?? If yes why did it happen only twice in the hundreds of times she peed??
Next thing I know, Pumpkin turns into a unicorn or something. WTF. Pissing glitter.
And here are the FASHION SHOW pics!
Gotta love Dr Georgia Lee man... How can a doctor be sooooooooooooo cool and hot at the same time??
It's like she's so fashionable and chio and NICE - and at the same time she's the best at what she does with aesthetic treatments. I super love her!
Worst angle ever... Rozzie mastered it.
Pat trying to be COY. LOL!
Wonder how HIS photo turned out.
This is what happens when 2 Lumixes flash together.
With Cynthia and Rozzie
No, they are not mannequins. Real humans CAN look so perfect.
Hmpf 2 can do the photosnapping thing!
My ex co-host! Woooo!
Louis and Foyce sitting next to Rozz and I.
Runway... And suddenly, a steady stream of really really ridiculously good-looking male models came strutting out.
Here's one of them. Ahem, I was just testing my camera's zoom function. It, erm, works fine.
And here comes the star of the night!
Dr Lee looking FIERCE!
The models in Y-straps and geeky spectacles - wielding SLRs! Hot!
Wonder where they got so many goddamn cameras from?
So many can just spare me one?
Snap snap and out she comes...
Looking cute
And back
Cynthia giving me a mega-watt smile from her seat.
Super classy setting with a poor guy balancing the double bass (? or is that a Cello??) and an opera singer.
Striking a pose
Me, Rozz and Olivier
And out she comes in a Vera Wang wedding gown!
At first we wondered why she veiled her face...
And then.......
Loads of feathers filled the place!!!
She's safe in her veil!
Cavin (Soh) doesn't like it.
Fluff's all stuck on hair!
Stage's covered.
And a model walks out...
Half naked and carrying a pillow!!!!!!!
Hot hot hot...
Oli likey!! :D :D Me too!
So many of them... If only half are straight, I'd be so happy. I hope that when I die heaven looks like this.
All the girls + gay boys in the audience were salivating...
And it gets better!
They pillow fight!!
And out comes Dr Lee with her ridiculously long legs.
End of show!
Rozz plucking a fluff out from Nat's hair.
Hahaha... Poor boys with spiky hair.
Apple Hong
Feathers galore
Mad Scientist looking photographer
Sara Ann K
Sara and I! :)
Outside posing with Bryan Wong and Cavin Soh.
My ensemble:
Top - $10 from Bugis Village
Skirt - $15 from This Fashion (Yes! That place has awesome finds)
Boots - $27 or something from Charles and Keith sale.
Bag - Most expensive at $150 from Juicy Couture.
Yup. Everyone else was in couture and only my bag was even half couture of the Juicy variety. It's sad. What? I like buying loads of cheap clothes vs a few expensive clothes cannot meh!?
With Nat and a stupid expression on my face. He asked me if I stayed in Jurong and said a long time ago he saw me on the MRT alighting at Jurong East station!
Nat totally checked me out years ago!! Hahaha!! I'm hot!
Ok either that or ridiculous-looking. I'm going for hot.
After that dinner with Cynthia and Nat at Mandarin Hotel...
The view is great but my chicken curry costs more than my skirt/top. -_-
Grabbed some more pics from Rozz's Facebook:
Here's me snapping shots...
At my seat...
And the four of us inside Mandarin Hotel's lift. I told her to tag me 3 times as I appear 3 times in the photo...
And finally, Nat drives us all to Velvet for the after-party.
I didn't go though coz I'm a homebody!! Took a cab from Zouk, how loserly!
Isn't his Domokun cute though?
More blogging tomorrow. Imma go watch Family Guy with Mikey now!
Update: That clears up the glitter in the pee. Don't worry, she hasn't peed crystals in a really long time!
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