No, this is not a post about White people adopting Black children. My mother who works for Human Services has told me many times about the challenges that both parents and children face when adoption crosses racial lines. Challenges but also positive things too. This post is about a Black family that adopted a White child. I really have to say, in all my years (ok only 26 but you get the point) I have never seen this combo. Strange?...a little. Not because it's wrong or bad. It's just different. I do see White people with Asian or Black children or Black people with adopted Black children, but never ever have I seen a Black family adopt a White child. Maybe I've been under a rock or this is rare around these parts.
The story is on
Essence.com and is really interesting. Here is an excerpt:
When Mark and Terri Riding take their three children to the park where they live in Baltimore, they're usually met by lagging stares, obvious whispering and even people bold enough to come up and question them as parents. Their children are all healthy, normal-looking individuals, but it's their 9-year-old adopted sister/daughter Katie O'Dea-Smith who draws all the attention.You see, the Ridings are Black and Katie is White.Take a look and come back over here to tell me what you think.
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