Totaly off topic but I've been obsessed with the new Eminem & Rihanna song Love the Way You Lie! Do you ever play a new song over and over until you memorize it? haha. Anyway I did a huge haul video last week I think? I was so pissed at work so when I got off I went to pick up my holds from MAC and then my dumbass went to the mall and bought a SHIT load of things! Angry woman with card = BAD! I haven't taken pictures of them but you can watch the video! I'm too lazy to get them all together again to take pictures.
I bought a few things from Mayaari's blog sale last week. I swear I paid on Monday and got my package in the next day?! I'm not sure but it was really quick and she's all the way on the east coast! I was really surprised but glad it got here so fast! I bought 2 Everyday Minerals blushes, MAC eyeshadow in Hepcat, & a NYX Jumbo Lip Pencil.
[the blushes are stacked!
I think the blushes are in the old packaging because I got some samples from them recently [I'll be doing a review soon!] and the new packaging is white!
EDM Blushes in Corner Office & Text Message, MAC Eyeshadow in Hepcat, & NYX Jumbo Lip Pencil in Pecan
L to R: Hepcat, Corner Office, Text Message, & Pecan
I'm really hapy with everything that I got! Everything is in perfect condition - they look like they're barely used! And the prices were super cheap! My pictures are kind of bad but it looks like Corner Office and Text Message are really similar but they're really different. Corner Office is more of a berry color and even though Text Message looks straight up brown it's a nice peachy tan color. I thought it wouldn't show up on my skin because I'm so tan but it looks like a really pretty everyday color. I've always wanted to get Hepcat but it's not as pigmented as I thought it would be but I use purples a lot so this will definitely be put to use. Mayaari threw in NYX Jumbo Pencil in Pecan for FREE! And check out how pigmented that is! It doesn't feel thick or gross at all and it is kind of dark but I think with the right gloss over it'll look super pretty.
I went back to Ulta again and they were having a 30% off sale on NYX products. I was kind of pissed because I printed a $3.50 coupon off the internet and the lady wouldn't take it and she didn't even tell me! WTF! But I was just like whatever! I picked up the 3 newest colors in their Jumbo Eye Pencils they're such pretty colors!

Electric Blue, Rocky Mountain Green, Purple Velvet

NYX has definitely been stepping up its game lately! I remember how chalky their eyeshadows use to be and some of them still kind of are and I remember the Jumbo Eye Pencils were thicker and more prone to creasing but they have definitely improved. They have such a wide range of colors and I feel like they've been releasing a lot of new stuff all the time. I love color so when I saw these pencils I was like OMG! It glides on your skin and I haven't tried thes on my lid yet but I will definitely do a look (maybe a tutorial?) soon! Out of the colors I got Electric Blue is the least pigmented but they're still gorgeous. They have a little shimmer in them but nothing to gritty or too much.

Rocky Mountain Green, Purple Velvet, Electric Blue
I seriously need to stop hauling things but I can't stop! I'm even waiting for my Urban Decay Naked Palette to come in the mail! I know for sure I want some things from MAC's Dare To Wear collection coming out at the end of the month and then FOR SURE I'll be going on a no buy until the Villainous Villains collection comes out! I still have a bunch of posts I plan on doing like a couple of reviews and whatnot but I have so much going on! I'm trying to get ready to move and gahh I have so many things! But keep an eye for the new posts! OH! And don't forget to enter my giveaway and contests!
I went back to Ulta again and they were having a 30% off sale on NYX products. I was kind of pissed because I printed a $3.50 coupon off the internet and the lady wouldn't take it and she didn't even tell me! WTF! But I was just like whatever! I picked up the 3 newest colors in their Jumbo Eye Pencils they're such pretty colors!
Electric Blue, Rocky Mountain Green, Purple Velvet
NYX has definitely been stepping up its game lately! I remember how chalky their eyeshadows use to be and some of them still kind of are and I remember the Jumbo Eye Pencils were thicker and more prone to creasing but they have definitely improved. They have such a wide range of colors and I feel like they've been releasing a lot of new stuff all the time. I love color so when I saw these pencils I was like OMG! It glides on your skin and I haven't tried thes on my lid yet but I will definitely do a look (maybe a tutorial?) soon! Out of the colors I got Electric Blue is the least pigmented but they're still gorgeous. They have a little shimmer in them but nothing to gritty or too much.
Rocky Mountain Green, Purple Velvet, Electric Blue
I seriously need to stop hauling things but I can't stop! I'm even waiting for my Urban Decay Naked Palette to come in the mail! I know for sure I want some things from MAC's Dare To Wear collection coming out at the end of the month and then FOR SURE I'll be going on a no buy until the Villainous Villains collection comes out! I still have a bunch of posts I plan on doing like a couple of reviews and whatnot but I have so much going on! I'm trying to get ready to move and gahh I have so many things! But keep an eye for the new posts! OH! And don't forget to enter my giveaway and contests!
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