I really liked how this look came out! I used the NYX Skintone base, but after I did it I thought maybe I should have used the white base to make the colors more vibrant but I'll try it again later. It reminds me of a toned down version of the MAC Satin Taupe/Carbon smokey eye that I did here. Of course it's not as pigmented. Again, maybe with the white it will! Oh and guess what? This is a mostly NYX look! I know, I know I always use MAC but I wanted to use my new stuff so I thought hey I can try to do an all NYX look! I still used my Blacktrack Fluidline and I wanted to try out the Stila liner I just got but for the most part it's NYX. =] I'm trying to branch out more so here's a start!

[sorry this pic is blurry! I guess my macro wasn't on]
[sorry this pic is blurry! I guess my macro wasn't on]
NYX Smokey Eye Palette [SEP]
Under the shadows I'm gonna refer to the rows as A and B and the column as numbers. So the very first shadow is A1 and the very last is B5.
+ MAC Studio Fix Powder in NC43
+ MAC Mineralize Blush in Dainty
+ MAC Blush in Strada [contour]
+ MAC MSF Natural Duo in Medium Dark/Shimmer [highlight/finish]
+ NYX Eyeshadow Base in Skintone [primer]
+ NYX Smokey Palette B2 [brows]
+ NYX Smokey Palette A5 [all over lid]
+ NYX Smokey Palette B1 [outer v/crease]
+ NYX Smokey Palette A1 [highlight]
+ MAC Blacktrack Fluidline
+ Stila Onyx Kajal Liner [waterline]
+ MAC Studio Fix Lash Mascara
+ NYX Strawberry Milk Lipstick
+ NYX French Kiss Lipgloss
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