Sunday, May 2, 2010


Sometimes we get so wrapped up in this thing called BEAUTY. We want to have her, to look like her, to be conjured up as the image of her when other's speak her name. We pontificate about her and analyze her and even try to re-define her in society. We worry about what men think, what women think, what our spouses and partners think, what bosses think, so on and so on. At the end of the day we should focus inward and find whatever beauty exists there. Easier said than done but really so many people will have their opinions that it is exhausting to try to please them all.

I ran across this lovely poem by Lewis Latimer written about his wife. If she had been different, like the fair maidens he speaks of, he might not have been so drawn to her. Sometimes we idolize the cultural ideal that we can't see the immense beauty we posses. Everybody appreciates beauty in a different way and you never know who is appreciating yours. There really is no point drooling and daydreaming about being anything else than you already are.

Let others boast of maidens fair,

Of eyes of blue and golden hair;

My heart like needles ever true

Turns to the maid of ebon hue.

I love her form of matchless grace,

The dark brown beauty of her face,

Her lips that speak of love's delight,

Her eyes that gleam as stars at night.

O'er marble Venus let them rage,

Who sets the fashion of the age;

Each to his taste, but as for me,

My Venus shall be ebony.

So what are you doing to appreciate your own beauty?

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