So I am very sorry to hear that our pop legend has passed onto the next realm all I can say is at least he in pain no longer. It's a shame all the suffering MJ went through and the only thing he owed us was the music nothing else. I dont know why people have to be so extra sometimes and be up in people's personal business when you weren't invited in the first place. I just pray for his children and hope that they come out in a loving, caring environment as they get older.
Now on to other business. Hair updates and boy has it ever been a month..... all that loppin and choppin and twisiting and fighting with my locs. I finally said "ok hair you win! I'm going to leave you alone. My hair is so free spirited it fought me all the way everyday I guess thats why they call it the teen stages. How do I know were at this stage? because my hair has started those little ballies at the end of the locs and it does whatever the hell it wants lol. Well I cant be mad at it one thing I do try to do is tame the frizzies by adding a little knotty boy wax , but when the jar is done that will be that. It's good to start your hair with because the stuff can wash out reall easy with hot water and shampoo but once the locking gets in there good there is no point putting stuff in there where you cant get it out later am I right? Say no to residue!!!! Anyway I went to a local indian shop today and purchased some brahmi amla oil and some coconut oil to moisterise my hair befor a good shampoo. I dont recommend anyone with newbie locs using this untill you have some serious mattage going though or you constantly get unravelling. Ive noticed that my hair has been a little dry and is in need of some help in the growth department so to help it along my purchases are supposed to help with growth and thickness along with finger stimulation hope that it works well and who doesnt like a scalp massage? I'll get my man to rub the oil in for me I deserve good treatment dont I? lol

Ive also decided to leave my hair be, meaning no twisting, no interlocking no nothing. I noticed that after interlocking some locs my roots were geting real thin and after the last accidental surgery I performed on one of my locs I think leaving it alone has been the best course of action I taken in a long while. Now I can't say I love that ol rasta farian laisser faire look but what can I say I need to thicken up my roots for progress to take place and personally it doesnt look all that bad. I'll be heading back to work soon so I'm going to have to get some major accessorizing going on can't be trepsing into work looking like a mad cave woman. I know it wont fly especially if I'm working on people's mouths and all they can see is my mess of hair but on the flip side it will keep them from thinking about the needles my dentist and I give them. Trust me I'm not evil people are just to afraid for whats good for them getting work done in your mouth aint all that bad. Anyhoo on to other lovely things here are my photos for today my hair is coming along well personally I think they could do better but what you going to do. Your hair is art and creates in ways in which you cannot I can only follow along and go with the flow. So heres to my fellow lockers, the journey and to the art we call our hair.

P.S I look a little crazy in some of the pics I was having to much fun with camera lol
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