So from time to time I would like to share with you some of my favorite music as well as review some new stuff.
What a better way to start than with my very own favorite singer, Laura Pausini. Who is this you might ask? She is only one of the biggest selling Italian singers ever and much of her world-wide success is due to her "crossing over" into the Spanish speaking market. She also put out an English album a few years back which was very good but did not give her the success in the Enlish language market I think she was hoping for. (In a selfish way I'm kinda glad because I didn't have to witness her having to become all sexed up to fit into our mainstream pop market.)I was first introduced to her by my best friend, who is Italian, and I have been hooked ever since. She has the kind of voice that is recognizable anywhere you go, she is no studio over-produced pop tart that's for sure. I mentioned before that I went to Mexico and during high school I immersed myself into learning Spanish and Hispanic culture. Thanks to an AWESOME Spanish teacher, listening to Spanish CDs, watching telenovelas (Spanish soap operas), and friends at school I became fluent in a few years and majored in foreign language in undergrad. I think I have every album she has made and one of her two live-in concert Italian.....and Spanish. I probably could have bought a car with all that money but oh well! Her latest disc is entitled Primavera Anticipada (Spanish)/Primavera In Anticipo (Italian) which loosely translates to "the anticipation of spring". She actually does one duet with James Blunt which is the title track. Many of her songs have special meanings to me and mark important periods in my life. I love, love, love her. It's funny I remeber when I had relaxed hair I wanted it to be straight and jet black like hers but it never quite worked out! I have yet to see her in concert but it is on my very long bucket list of things to accomplish!
Sometimes people get annoyed with my music, much of it is in Spanish or Italian, and they say they can't understand it. Ok, I get it. But try to expand your horizons people, give it a try! Music is music and transcends all languages if you open your heart and mind to it. And considering that the racial/ethnic makeup of our country is rapidly becoming more diverse, what a better way to become familiar with a different culture than through music. Viva la musica!
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