"I have no problem with whatever the next big look is," says model Alek Wek. "Just don't try and tell me that only one look is beautiful." - Alek Wek
Scouring the internet for info about nude lip gloss, I'm on an eternal quest for the perfect nude lip, I came across a picture of Sudanese super model Alek Wek. I remember when she first came on the scene in '95 I thought she must be the fashion industry's attempt to compensate for a lack of black models in on the runways. I thought, they found the darkest, most "African-looking" woman they could to try and pacify those of us who wanted more black representation in the media. I cringe at those thoughts, not because her skin isn't dark or that her features are not uniquely African. But more because underneath the surface there was a tinge of..I don't know, colorism? I don't even know if that is a word. But I guess what I mean is that I felt like she was only there as a token, not as a real representation of black beauty. I am ashamed of those thoughts and do not feel that way now but I also know that back then I was brainwashed into thinking like many of us do. We are socialized to see light skin as being better and dark skin as less beautiful. Short kinky hair versus "good hair". Ya'll know what I mean. It took time to accept my own natural self but I guess it was just part of the process to really come to appreciate and love ALL shades and textures of Black beauty. Thank God I no longer believe as I did at the tender age of 13! I am so grateful to be different today, to have been freed from the shackles of a culture which teaches us to hate our Black selves. It is truly freedom of the mind and spirit. I am so glad I saw that picture of her and I think she is absolutely, unequivocally, stunningly, BEAUTIFUL!
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