Woohoo! You know how a lot of you are asking about my skin care regime? Well here's your answer!
This is my second advertorial with Cellnique, one of the best products I've ever gotten due to me being an awesome blogger! Whee!!!
You can see my first advertorial for them here.
To be honest, till this date I still find that that advertorial is perhaps one of the best I've written. Maybe it is not as entertaining as those with more pictures, but it is certainly the most convincing!
Because everybody loves Before and After pictures, and these two pictures made sure Cellnique's famous Pro Sebum Gel was completely sold out in Singapore after the advertorial was published.
Till today sprees are being held for this magic gel, and it is also not uncommon for it to be sold out in stores.
The pictures:
Thanks... I know my nose very disgusting with all those black heads.
So anyway, now that I've piqued your curiousity - here's a picture of my nose in 2008:

Sorry lah! I got no "before" photo this time coz I've been consistently using Cellnique since 2006!
Anyway, the good people that brought us Cellnique have decided to give it a complete overhaul!!
Behold the new product design:

Under the new feisty name of B.Liv!

It is colour labeled too.
Orange for Comedone reduction (I googled and that's like blackheads/whiteheads. Eww!)
Pink for Blemish reduction
Purple to Minimise Pores
and Blue for Hydration
But don't let the colours confuse you. If you have blackheads but also dry skin, you can always mix and match Orange and Blue products to best suit your skin type.
Their products are very easy-to-use and a skincare regime doesn't need to involve like 7 steps! Just 1)Serum, and 2)moisturizer. 2 steps. That's it.

My favourite is of course what used to be called the Pro Sebum Gel... Now, its new name is "Off with those heads"!
Hahahaha... Sounds a bit like a mad Samurai. But cute anyway!
Now, 30ml of this miracle gel used to cost $69. Now that everything is revamped, this wondrous gloop is going for 50ml at $100, which is even more economical. Personally I always finish my 30ml. :(
Just to reillustrate how awesome this product is:
Put a pea-sized amount onto your skin every night.
This can be applied instead of toner and before moisturizer. After 2 weeks, I experienced MUCH softer skin that is extremely smooth and has no clogged pores.
Zits and oil on my skin also reduced rather startlingly, and a soft pink glow even appears.
True story! You have to try it to believe it!
Another B.Liv product that I love is their facial masque - Now known as Glow and Shine.
Scary photo coming up


Aren't masks awesome? Glow and Shine comes in the form of a thick white paste with beads in it. Smells absolutely yummy and minty.
First rinse your face clean. Then spread it on and let it set for a bit. In the meantime you can feel a slight tingling sensation (I like to think of it as the mask killing my zits before they can start) and it's just wonderful to have that cold wet feeling on your face!
After 10 minutes, it's time to raise it off. I also like to use the beads to exfoliate for a bit. :)
And voila!

No photoshop on the complexion.
I know it's not perfect, but I am not one of those blessed people with good skin.
Er, in fact, if my skin left to its own I will have loads of blackheads and humongous pores and zits and oil and dull complexion etc etc... SO THIS IS GOOD ENOUGH!
Being the awesome blogger I am, I've also tried all the other products and I've squeezed them out for you to see so you know what you will be getting!

Left to right:
Got Me Covered: Sunscreen! Very light, water-based SPF protection for everyday use. Gives light coverage and feels silky smooth.
Squeaky Clean: Deep-cleansing facial wash with beads in it. It really will make you feel squeaky clean coz of the refreshing herbal smell!
Drench Me: Facial wash that feels light and yet cleanses thoroughly. I think it's good when used with Off With Those Heads.
Quench Me: What used to be the famous Aqua Gel is now called Quench Me. This is a moisturizer that's water-based and hydrates without making your skin oily or sticky. It absorbs instantly into skin! 30ml of this used to be $55.90 but now 50ml of it is the same price!!
Shrink and Tighten: Pore-reducing serum. I can't be sure if it works coz I also use Off With Those Heads which also does the same for my skin! But if your worry is big pores and not blackheads, then you should get this.
Glow and Shine: I just gave a glowy and shiny introduction of it.
No Spots Bye Dots: Blemish-reducing facial wash. Keeps blemishes from attacking!
Spots got Shot: (Not in picture) Instant solution for annoying zits!

Ignore the solemn expression.
I love my B.Liv products!
Special promos:
a) Oct (last for 1 month) – Purchase any Off with Those heads 50ml, consumers are entitled to purchase squeaky clean 120ml @ $28 (N.P: $39.90); also, users who bring back old Pro Series pack are entitle for 10% discounts for any 2 items under b.liv.
b) Nov (after Oct promo, last for 1 month) – Purchase Quench me 50ml, consumers are entitle to purchase Drench Me 120ml @ $28 (N.P: $39.90)
c) Dec (after Nov promo, last for 1 month) – Purchase Shrink and Tighten 30ml, consumers are entitle to purchase Glow and Shine 50ml @ $38 (N.P: $46.90)
If you want to know more about B.Liv's great products, please visit their website here!!
B.Liv is available at all SASA outlets.
Give it a try and you won't regret it, confirm!!
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