For those of you who thought I just wrote some gibberish as my title, well, you are horribly mistaken!
Nuffnang actually means Real Cool/Good in Jafaikan, in which I have no idea what Jafaikan is, so it is still kinda gibberish.
But good gibberish.
Thus begins the story of
Some months ago, my friend Ming gave me a call, saying he would like to treat me (+ Mike whom he also wants to meet) to a meal to discuss a business idea he has.
I was a bit jaded about people wanting to share "business ideas" with me, but Ming was very persistent and insisted on treating us at his (dad's) country club + picking us up so I didn't reject him... haha.
When we met up, he told me an idea that I actually thought of before: An agency for bloggers.
Well, KINDA like an agency you know... The idea is that to get all the bloggers together and sell their combined hits to advertisers - this way, even the small bloggers get a share of the advertising pie. :)
Xiaxue = 30,000 daily hits = Advertisers think it's too little for big scale advertising
Xiaxue + hundreds of bloggers with 200 daily hits = 100,000 daily = Advertisers pay
But there's so much involved in this, like how much each blogger should get, how you know how much hits a blogger gets anyway, and it's not even known if advertisers would be interested because this is not tried before, etc...
I thought Ming was just talking out of his ass, albeit in a very excited dreamy tone.
(Sorry la Ming, it did sound like a ridiculously grand plan what!)
Two months later, Nuffnang Malaysia, Asia's first blog advertising agency, was launched.

Hundreds of Malaysian bloggers rushed to sign up (1,700 so far), and Nuffnang was even the 4th most searched topic on technorati at one point!
(BTW Nuffnang is founded by Ming, who is Singaporean, and his friend Timothy, who is Malaysian, so the company is half M'sian and half S'porean.)
When Ming told me about me, I can't help but say "Wow...", because honestly, lots of people have smashing ideas, but how many of them do execute it?
And Ming, being resourceful as usual, actually had Nike Singapore as his first advertiser!!
Now, the top earning Malaysia blogger (Ahem Mr Sia!) is getting like RM1,000 per week, and the average small-time bloggers get like 20 buck per week too!!
If I get 1,000 per week hor I will be damn rich can?! I'd be earning like, like, at least 6k a month????????
(I said at least - that's not to be saying I earn only 2k per month, idiots)
Must start to pay taxes already! Buy car! Learn to drive first! Get platinum credit card! IPL armpits!!
Back to serious topic.
Ming's philosophy for the company is that it is not only getting money for bloggers (as well as earning a bit on the way la), it is also BY BLOGGERS FOR BLOGGERS.
Their little side aim is to forge a stronger community among the bloggers.
Although I despise a lot of the Malaysian bloggers who signed up, I must still say it's a good effort.

The hard-working Nuffnang team
250 Nuffnangers were invited to go watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in KL yesterday!! (BTW it's a bit slow, the movie. I watched it in Singapore yesterday with Mike)
To cut the long story short, I've just got good news for you mediocre bloggers!! (I know, I am so deliciously arrogant)
No longer do you have to sigh and complain about how you can't earn from your meagre amount of hits!
As long as you have more than 20 unique hits a day, you can get a share of the pie too!!
Of course your share will not be as big as mine la teeheeheehee.
If you want to try signing up, there is even a chance of winning a PSP!
Shiok or not?
You can sign up here!
You guys can thank me later for the recommendation. =D
p/s: Yes I know that's two advertorials in a row. Although you are doing nothing but reading a blog you think might be updated with something interesting, you still feel like you have the right to tell me I am cheating you. Shut up, I'll be updating my NY pictures soon. Been fucking busy.
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