Friday, December 17, 2010

DIY: Easy Hair "Growth" Serum

A lot of you my twitter followers have been inquiring about my favorite hair growth serums and my homemade growth oil that I use almost daily. Today I decided to post about both. I like hair growth serums because they help the overall health of my scalp. A clean healthy scalp PROMOTES strong healthy GROWING hair. Please keep in mind that there is NOTHING  you can put on your actual hair to "make" it grow, hair, itself is dead all you can really do is preserve. Growing long hair starts within. Eating nutritious foods, drinking water, exercising and taking vitamins all contribute to growing long luscious locks.

I have 2 favorite growth products that I am using and one new one that I am giving a try:

1.Mega Tek
2.Bee Mine Growth Serum
3.MTG (just started using)

Mega Tek has been a favorite of mine since I first went natural.  I was using it daily for months and I  saw some awesome results from it. This product is very rich in proteins so please be careful when using if you hair is protein sensitive. This product was originally made for horses but when humans started using it a seeing results the product crossed over quickly! I love it.

Bee Mine Growth Serum I have been using this oil for a month now and I am in love with it. Contains great ingredients and sulfur, which helps promote hair growth. I use this oil almost every night before I go to bed after I twist my hair up.  This oil leaves my roots very soft and my scalp loves it. So far, I can't tell if it is making my hair grow by itself because I do take MSM vitamins and Biotin in conjunction with it.  Want to learn about Sulfur and hair growth, click here.

MTG  I decided to try this stuff after my girl Elle over at "Quest for the Perfect Curl" was taking about it on Twitter. I asked her a few questions and saw her results and I was sold. I know that different products work differently on different people but I had to give it a try. One the left side of my hair suffered some breakage from the color I put in it and I trying to re-grow the little section back so I figured I'd use this to help. So far, I have used it EVERY NIGHT for 2 weeks. I can definitely see some improvement. I am excited to see the results I get in a month. I use the bee mine serum in the morning and this at night. The smell of MTG is like bacon, LOL, so using it at night allows the smell to disappear in time for the morning. 

Now, my homemade growth oil recipe is simple, click the jump.

 You will need the following :
1.Castor Oil
(Regularly applying castor oil to your scalp and roots to eliminate dry hair and promote regrowth of hair within months. It will also help to thicken hair that is thinning out.)

2. Coconut Oil
(Keeps hair in good condition so that you don't lose it to damage and dryness. Coconut oil can help prevent hair loss and contribute to healthy hair growth.)

3.Neem Oil
(Relieves dry and itchy scalp, dandruff, the symptoms of scalp psoriasis, as well as giving you silky, shiny, stronger hair and encourage growth.)
4.Emu Oil
(hair follicles that are currently in the resting phase, otherwise known as the catagen phase, emu oil seems to help them wake up and begin growing hair again.)
5. Peppermint EO
(Peppermint oil for hair loss treatment is very effective as it binds the hair roots and increases blood circulation.)
6.Rosemary EO
(used to combat the fall of hair, stimulate the growth of new locks, strengthen hair roots, support hair follicles, eliminate dandruff, and clean the scalp and hair of impurities. )

I use a small plastic bottle, maybe 2 oz, and I fill it half way with Castor Oil. I slowly add in the other oils until the bottle is almost full. Then I add 6 drops of each EO in the bottle and shake well. Simple, easy and cheap! Enjoy!

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