So after being encouraged by friends and stopped by strangers I have decided to sell my hair bows on Etsy! And to kick it off I am going to be doing a giveaway, it's my very first one and I am excited really I am BURSTING with joy!! The giveaway will start on Monday, that way I have some time to get everything set up and decided how I want to do the giveaway, so stay tuned for more info on that!
Now onto today's hair style. I didn't take step by step pictures cause I couldn't find my camera! I did find my camera AFTER I was all done with the hair, and the pictures I managed to take are kinda blurry, so I apologize. I'm not sure why they are blurry I will have to mess with my camera and figure it out.
1.Start by parting hair just in front of the ears, so you have a front section, then separate that section into 3 sections and French braid each section, this is what the braids should look like.

Shot of the bow.

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