Sofia tagged me to do this! =] And you know I love surveys ;]
Rules First:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. I can only sleep with one pillow. No more, no less. If I have more than one, my neck hurts, and idk who can sleep without a pillow!
2. I burp a lot. It's not as bad as it used to be (I used to burp like a drunk old man) but I still burp more frequently than the average girl. lol
3. I used to be a dancer. I did Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet, and Tahitian from 8th grade up til my Junior year in high school. I always wanted to continue doing it but I never found the time. Dancing was like my first love that got away. =[ lol I still loooove Tahitian though that's always been my favorite.
4. I was actually anti-MAC before I became obsessed with make up! I thought it was strictly stage make up (because it's so pigmented and so many girls at school packed it on like no tomorrow!) but look at me now! lol
5. I'm from Hawaii and I can't swim! Idk I just never learned. I got freaked out because I had a cousin who drowned when I was little and ever since I always freak out in deep water. I'm OK in shallow water and I actually think that I can swim but I just end up freaking out!
6. I've never seen snow before!
I think pretty much everyone has done it buut if you haven't I'm tagging you! Hope you guys have a Happy Halloween! =]
Friday, October 31, 2008
TAGGED: 6 Random Things About Me
Shit! I am so late in posting!!
BFF challenge Part 4!
BFF challenge Part 5... Now you can to see the final two!
Kaykay and Paul guess the prices of objects.
And they get to keep the object! Hahaha!
Meet Paul's science project: A penis volcano.
He is so funny I swear!!!
Happy Halloween y'all!!!!!!!
I'm getting old so this Halloween imma go have dinner with Shuyin and Weili and after that, imma play mahjong again!
I know right? My life is so exciting!
(Am I a prude or what? I saw some of the costumes Singaporeans are wearing and I am seriously quite shocked by the level of skimpiness. Do you think it's ok to wear a bra top or panties bottom on Halloween? Is it just me? Am I getting old and narrow-minded????????)
UPDATE: Quit quoting Mean Girls, you fucktards. I heard that shit so many times I could implode if I see another comment spreading that dumbass quote as gospel.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
MAC Sheer Minerals
I know, I know I was on a roll last week and I completely lost it! IDK what happened I've just been caught up in school and whatnot. By the time I'm done with studying and everything I just feel burned out. I still have a bunch of things I want to post! But here's my last update today.
Sheer Minerals came out this month, also, which means... MSFs!! I love these things! I couldn't help myself I got all four colors that came out. At first I didn't get Gold Deposit because it seemed too bronzy for me, but what the hell I'm NC45 so I just got it. LOL
So Ceylon, Petticoat, Soft & Gentle, Gold Deposit
These things look like they would last me forever. But if I ever did run out, Soft & Gentle and Gold Deposit are now permanent. =] \
I also got the 109 brush! It's perfect for contouring - which I have been obsessed with lately but that's a whole other post.
So Ceylon, Petticoat, Gold Deposit, Soft & Gentle
I love all of them, personally. Soft & Gentle is a greeat highlight color for me and Petticoat seems like the perfect color to go over any blush! It's this subtle peachy pink color I looove it!
Collective Red She Said Haul
So, I totally tricked myself. I went to the Red She Said event earlier this month and left only with the two Beauty Powder Blushes thinking that's the only thing I was gonna get from this collection.. HA! I totally lied to myself! I bought bits and pieces at a time, I guess this collection didn't wow me enough to get it one at a time but sure enough, I ended up getting alot more than I thought!
Danger Zone MES, Crazee L/S, Stark Naked BPB, Enough Said BPB, Red She Said L/S, Love Alert D/G, Baby Sparks D/G
MAC you have tricked me again! I absolutely looove the Dazzleglasses. I didn't get them the first time around but I heard they were suuper sticky. The only thing I hate is when I take them off sometimes glitter gets stuck to my lips! But the colors look a-mazing! Especially when I put Crazee with Love Alert OMG my lips are like screaming for attention. lol I'm not used to red l/s, but I've been trying it out lately and I think I'm growing into them. =]
Here are swatches of the lippies! Excuse my lips they need exfoliating lol
Crazee L/S
Crazee L/S + Love Alert D/G
Baby Sparks D/G
Red She Said L/S
I accidentally deleted my Love Alert D/G swatch but it looks like this see thru red with sparkles. I don't think they're meant to be worn alone, it seems like they need lippies underneath but who knows? Word on the street is these babies might become permanent next year!
All in all, I think this collection is passable, especially if you're not into reds, but if you MUUST get something it has to be the Stark Naked blush hands down! It's got the prettiest gold shimmer to it I really don't know how to describe it! And it gives the perfect flushed color - on me anyway. I find its totally buildable - which I looove in blushes. Just get it! lol
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
ally won!
ally received "the founder's award" for 2008.
on sunday december 14th she will pass the torch.
mark your calendar.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Canon scrapbook
Anyway I'm just gonna post random "cute" photos I took with my sponsored Canon Powershot E1. I'm not gonna go into product specs lah! Just look at the pics and judge the quality yourself!!
Eh... My initial plan for a cute scrapbook was to go to Ikea to snap photos of people's babies. Then with the second parent I asked, I was rudely shoo-ed away before I could even complete my question! So I gave up on that idea and so... No babies!
I hope you enjoy it anyway, and sorry for the lateness!

Click here to also see what the other bloggers blogged, and vote for whoever you think did the best, ok! :)
(I'm off to play MJ now!)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So I woke up, saw Gillian's sms, and said, "What time is the meeting ah?"
Gillian said, "It's over already lah!"
Thank god they (munkysuperstar) handled it well without me and it went ok. TMD!
THEN. Cherie from Nuffnang called and asked when I am going to post up my Canon advert.
I groggily said, "Isn't it at 12am tonight?"
She said no, it is 12pm (what kinda ungodly hour is that?) and everyone's already posted except me!
Panic to the max ok! I intended to spend the whole day photoshopping, and I saw the rest of the girls' entries and they all put in so much effort and they are all so good! Madness!!!!!
Please lah girls don't say things like I'm going to win can!!!?!?! I know you are mumbling under your breath "But you are what!" and it is totally ridiculous that 74 idiots* already voted for me, butttttttt........
What if I totally suck and everyone says I suck????
Ok why am I blogging about this when I should be blogging about my scrapbook?
*I know you are supporting me and I shouldn't call you an idiot but at least have some semblance of fairness, please! I haven't even posted!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
MAC Holiday Collection haul
So, I'm a complete suckkeeerr for cute packaging and I couldn't help myself when I went to the Red She Said event. I pre-ordered some things from MAC's Holiday Collection! Swatches included ;]
it's like christmas!!
5 face brushes set
> of course the SE brushes are not as good as the full size brushes, but they're great for travel brushes. idk how many times I throw my brushes in my bag and the bristles get kind of wonky after! =[
Rose Lips set
Romancin' L/S
To Swoon For L/S
Delicate Crush L/G
Delicate Crush over To Swoon For
Romancin', To Swoon For, Delicate Crush
Holiday Palettes!
> I don't own last year's holiday palettes but my friend does and the first thing I noticed was that this year's palette seems more 'cheaply made' than last years. I think last years was metal or something heavier, but this year's I think is plastic?
smokey eyes palette + cool pink palette
smokey eyes
L TO R: Scant (F), Gorgeous (M), Satin Taupe (F), Ambiance (V), Dark Devotion (M), Carbon (M)
Overjoyed L/S
Make Me Melt L/S
Sheer Vision L/G
Overjoyed, Make Me Melt, Sheer Vision
> I LOVE the colors in the lip palette, but I really wish they came in regular L/S tubes instead of palettes. Palettes are just so messy! They seem more of a hassle compared to regular lippies.
> you know you love meeee ;]