1) Xiaxue you are just jealous. Because even without plastic, Dawn looks better than you.
You are 100% right. Ok la maybe 80%, because I am not actually jealous. The point is, so? At least, I can safely say I never tried as hard as she did. :)
2) Omg you are so mean! How would you like it if someone also dug up your old ugly photos and posted them?
Honestly, I don't care.
I don't!
You think to yourself, what the fuck man, you are just saying this because nobody has exposed your ugly photos.
In order to prove how much I don't give a shit about what you people (and that includes 30,000 of you) think of my looks, I am hereby going to show you an array of my ugliest IC photos - with a timeline from 13 years old to 23 years old.
If I don't care about what people think of my looks, why do I photoshop? Because 1) it is an art that I enjoy doing and 2) it makes ME happy to see prettier photos.
What is appearance? What is image? I cannot be arsed as long as people I love love me... shortness, squatness, lumpiness and all. As for looks, as long as the man I love is attracted to me, that's all that's enough. :) Plus,I am satisfied with the way I look! Not 100% mind you, but it's good enough.
However, just posting goddamn ugly photos does not constitute a bestest blog entry - just a mildly entertaining one.
Therefore, I am additionally going to PHOTOSHOP these horrendous photos into fake but gorgeous versions of me!! MUAHAHAHAHA
Prepare... TO BE IMPRESSED. And horrified.

Age 2
A joke lah! This is obviously not ugly.
In fact, here I am, zhao-genging happily, and I think, relatively cute!
I don't know what happened to me during teenage years to become so goddamn ugly.
How did my mother love me???

Age 13, Sec 1

Age 13, Sec 1
Single eyelids, humongous nose, centre-parting and a flabby jawline.
To add insult to injury, there are also green ink splotches staining the picture.
Could you blame me for wanting a nose job with that nose? HONESTLY??
Photoshop magic:

Woah! Suddenly got chio blue eyes!
The eyelids are a bit fake-looking though, coz for this pic I actually DREW it on. Just to try and see how it will turn out.
Got tiara somemore!
Side by side:



Age 14, sec 2
Bah. My act ah-lian age.
Eyebrows shaved into a thin, straight line...
Fringe cut by myself, and one side of hair tucked behind ear. To create what look, I don't know. Maybe lop-sidedness was in?
Anyway I wore a SHIRT coz ah lians wore shirts then. :D
At this point, trying very hard to get double eyelids by sticking tape everyday.
Photoshop magic:

No more asymmetrical hair! Got ribbon somemore!
I like what I did to the lips.
Side by side:


Age 15, sec 3
Wah lau eh cannot stand it. Sibeh act chio.
Eyes really opened to the max.
Photoshop magic:

Nothing photoshop can do about the "act chio"ness.
The hair looks spastic but better than before...
Side by side:

Started to get bad case of acne...

Age 16, sec 4
Nothing photoshop can do to save this eyes-half-closed photo, you exclaim.
You are wrong!
Photoshop magic:

I had to liquify the eyes until I almost died.
Side by side:

Worst of the lot:

Age 16, sec 4
I like what I did to the lips.
Side by side:


Age 15, sec 3
Wah lau eh cannot stand it. Sibeh act chio.
Eyes really opened to the max.
Photoshop magic:

Nothing photoshop can do about the "act chio"ness.
The hair looks spastic but better than before...
Side by side:

Started to get bad case of acne...

Age 16, sec 4
Nothing photoshop can do to save this eyes-half-closed photo, you exclaim.
You are wrong!
Photoshop magic:

I had to liquify the eyes until I almost died.
Side by side:

Worst of the lot:

Age 16, sec 4
Greasy, sallow and pimply... I look so dirty! Reminds me of Professor Snape with the curtains of oily black hair... Eww!!
Don't blame me, blame the hormones, ok!
How come last time when I look like that still got people wanna be my friends?? Eekean!!!!!!!! *Leans close to Eekean with pulsating pimples*
Photoshop magic:

How did I do it?! I am so bloody talented!
Got healthy glow leh!!
Side by side:

Finally got out of secondary school!
Time for make-up!!

Age 17
You all saw this already.
Is it possible to save the eyes?
Photoshop magic:

Look a little startled but still much better than before!
Cloned my hair so that it doesn't look like some weird wind blew it to one side.
Side by side:


Age 18

How did I do it?! I am so bloody talented!
Got healthy glow leh!!
Side by side:

Finally got out of secondary school!
Time for make-up!!

Age 17
You all saw this already.
Is it possible to save the eyes?
Photoshop magic:

Look a little startled but still much better than before!
Cloned my hair so that it doesn't look like some weird wind blew it to one side.
Side by side:


Age 18
Finally, after years of painstakingly sticking on double eyelid tape almost daily, I developed double eyelids!
I also found out about mascara and started abusing it.
ZA's foundation, however, does not seem to be able to cover my zits...
Photoshop magic:

Side by side:


Side by side:

A few months later, with my hair a tad longer, I went back to the same place to take another picture.

Age 18
I fucking HATE my huge nose! Thank god it's like heaved into half now. I love you Dr Huang!!!
Somehow my eyebrows became nicer though, and I learned that you could shade your nose bridge... (although that didn't work out coz it made the nose look larger than godzilla's ass)
Also, I think I look like someone who will steal your husband. Why ah? Is it the chubbiness and slanty eyes?
Photoshop magic:

Much easier to edit with make up on. Reduced nose by 20000%.
Side by side:


Age 20

Much easier to edit with make up on. Reduced nose by 20000%.
Side by side:


Age 20
This is not an IC photo but somehow it's inside my pile of IC photos so I included it in!
Complexion cleared up and I now have long hair! Yay for long hair!
Photoshop magic:

Nothing much, just made jawline sharper and nose smaller.
Side by side:


Age 22
Still pre-nose job... Except now I have better eye make up.
What is it about IC photos that makes your nose so big??!
Photoshop magic:

Much chioer!
Side by side:


Age 23, Year 2008

Nothing much, just made jawline sharper and nose smaller.
Side by side:


Age 22
Still pre-nose job... Except now I have better eye make up.
What is it about IC photos that makes your nose so big??!
Photoshop magic:

Much chioer!
Side by side:


Age 23, Year 2008
Post nose job. I know it still looks kinda big, but it is already much smaller!!!
This is an unedited photo taken with my digicam for the purpose of my expiring passport!
I just so happened to have a glorious tan that day. Woohoo!
Photoshop magic:

Made nose smaller and jaw sharper as usual.

Made nose smaller and jaw sharper as usual.
So... The question you all have been dying to ask me:
Pure talent! Hahaha... No lah... I mean, yes, I am awesome at photoshopping (people), but of course, 90% of the credit goes to the tool liquify!
I also use burn around the eyelids... dodge to create the "coloured" eyes. I change the hues and contrasts, and add lash and hair brushes...
For rouge on the cheeks I simply use the brush tool (colour pick the lips). See? I am so nice, I share!
Let's have a little contest!
Let me pick my ugliest photo...
Ahh.... this one:

Can you try to also photoshop this
and make it chio?!
Let me pick my ugliest photo...
Ahh.... this one:

Can you try to also photoshop this
and make it chio?!
Send me your work and if the response is good enough I shall post up your artwork (plus link, if you wish) on another blog entry!!
Please don't be childish and make it uglier hor. It is already so ugly, don't need your help, thanks.
Send to xiaxue@gmail.com!
Credits to the various photoshop brushes of hair, accessories and eyelashes I downloaded from deviantart.com. I am sorry I can't credit the real creator as I have so many brushes I don't know who created what!
Please stop sending in anymore as I am compiling them up. Thanks for the effort guys!! :) :)
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