1) I had a horrible shock when I had my first MacDonalds Grilled Chicken Foldover yesterday.
The first 2 bites were terrific, and then... BAM! Like a slap to the face, I bit into a giant, raw onion!!!!!!!!
I never knew the bloody foldover has onions inside!!
So here's a warning to everyone who, like me, hates onions, and have a sudden urge to eat a Grilled chicken foldover. Order it without onions!!
To my surprise, when I started telling everyone that the stupid foldover had onions (and honestly, I couldn't get rid of the taste on my tongue till the next morning. SOMPAH! Never exaggerate one!!), NOBODY BELIEVED ME.
Everyone just skeptically and patronisingly told me, "Got meh?"
When I reply "GOT!!!!!!" in a perhaps overly loud manner, they mostly just recoil and say they never noticed the onions inside, ever.
SO NOW... Does the Grilled Chicken Foldover contain onions, OR NOT?
If it usually doesn't, then did my delivery guy delibrately put some in to give me this lifetime trauma?!
Anyway speaking of mac delivery... It's awesome man!!
- 24 hours! Perfect for MJ food.
- Order-takers are ALWAYS, CONSISTENTLY, polite, smart, and articulate. HOW? Where do they find such people? They all sound like Uni students.
- Special orders never get forgotten.
Also, I love the new McGriddle! But it seems like I am the only one, because everyone else thinks it is "weird".
Pancakes kiaping sausage, melted cheese, and egg!! What's there not to like?!
2) Continuation of my maid's awesomeness.
Remember the lizard trap I bought?
That day, the maid came and saw that the trap caught an adult-sized lizard dead inside.
Frankly, it is super gross. The lizard got stuck on the edge of the relatively big trap, so theoretically the rest of the trap (full of glue) is a little wasted.
She took up the box, completely undeterred by the dead lizard, and told me...
She is going to cut/peel off the part of the trap with the dead lizard, so that the trap can still be used again!!!!!
She is not only awesomely brave but damn frugal lor!!!
3) I am recently mad over Edamame peas!!
These are the peas that are commonly seen on the moving belt in Sakae Sushi, and I was super surprised when I ate them and they don't taste like normal peas at all!
Hate normal peas.
To my delight, they are commonly found in NTUC in a large frozen package (NTUC house brand somemore lor...), so all you have to do is to boil them (lightly) and sprinkle some salt on them. Yums!!
I am still eating them right now as we speak and I've almost finished the whole package already (!!!).
But it's ok coz it's supposed to be healthy food!! IMMA BE SO SKINNY! But I hope I don't start to have a green tinge.
4) In case you are wondering about the title, some time ago Shuyin and I stayed over at Wanyi's before she went back to Australia to study.
We then decided it will be fun to put ugly make-up on each other.
The chosen theme for me that day was heavy Minah make-up, you know the kind with the severely drawn skinny eyebrows?
Unfortunately, all I turned out looking like was Tranny-ish.

Shuyin having fun slapping on loads of concealer and foundation on my eyebrows to conceal them, then drawing my pseudo-eyebrows 3 cm above my normal ones. -_-

Very fugly.
They then added bright blue eyeshadow as well as blood red lipstick...
Wait for it....
Wait for it...

I totally agree now: I do look like a tranny!!
I think girls who have long face or long chins look like trannies lor!! I have a long face. BAH!
Anyway that's not the worst of the photos but I shall not put anymore to scare people.
Shuyin was also a victim of the tranny make-up but I shall not post her pics coz I don't know if she will like that. I know I won't!! Super ugly!! Hahaha!!
And just in case there are new readers here who are horrified and think that I look like that all the time, I just have to say that with proper make-up I look like THIS:

Still a bit tranny-ish but at least not a super ugly tranny...
And lastly, to end off this blog entry, I present you with Wanyi as...

I had to blacken her tooth, but other than Wanyi's good complexion, UNCANNY, you think?
p/s: Almost finished the eyeliner stick when drawing her eyes.
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