I mean, obviously, if you are a female, or a gay boy, doesn't matter which.
Actually I think some straight men might actually consider doing him.
This guy is a STAR! He is my new idol!
I was totally starstruck when I first saw his photo, and I don't know if he is professionally trained as a model or something, but look at the ugliest photo I found of him!

A little goofy, but hey, still shaggable
VS the ugliest photo I found, of say, Brad Pitt:

Is that you Brad?

A little goofy, but hey, still shaggable
VS the ugliest photo I found, of say, Brad Pitt:

Is that you Brad?
Granted, the photo was taken during a show in which he has to act old, but that's not my point.
My point is, isn't Daniel Smith (above) hot?
Now, let me tell you something... Daniel Smith is 21, has the most piercing blue eyes ever, and is also a US marine.
And now let me tell you something else...

Daniel is also a rapist

Daniel is also a rapist
Now would you just believe that?
I know this news is some time ago, but I didn't have time to blog this out.
So, I saw Smith's photo on Straits Times when I stayed over at Weili's, and well, the story goes that Smith and his 3 other marine friends (woooh! Uniformed men) was partying and the supposedly raped girl was drinking with her sister at the same bar.
Afterwards, Smith took the girl's wrist and pulled her to dance (damn, I don't get that sort of luck with handsome US marines whenever I was single) and she claims that afterwards, Smith pulled her into a van.
And Smith raped her while his mates cheered him on.
(I found all that a bit arousing)
I don't know whether it is just me, but it seems pretty ridiculous to me that the girl got raped.
Firstly, I don't know much about drunkeness, but I've seen my friends at it, and it appears that drunk people do not know what the fuck they are doing.
The filipino girl claimed, before breaking down in tears, "The next thing I remember, someone was lying on top of me. Someone was kissing me. ... It was Smith. I tried to push Smith away with my hands but I was unable to stop him because I was very weak and he was heavy. I did not like what he was doing to me, I don't know anymore what happened. But when I recovered my consciousness, I was already on the ground."
Soooo......... did he knock her out cold, or was part of her memory blocked out because she was fucking pissed-drunk?
Did she actually give consent to Smith (which is what Smith claimed) when she was drunk? Does she even know? Now that she is sober she can say she didn't give consent, but who the fuck knows at that time when she was drunk and horny?
The victim said, "They (public) said I was drinking, and what's wrong with drinking? We went there to enjoy. I did not want this to happen."
She's like one of those idiots who lament and complain that their wallets and cameras and handphones get stolen whenever they get pissed drunk.
Yeah? If you know you will get taken advantage of when you are drunk, how about this: DON'T FUCKING DRINK.
Secondly, you don't consent to dancing with like 4 caucasian guys in drunken stupor, probably in slutty clothes, and expect that among all 4 of them, none wants to have sex with you.
I know a girl can agree to dance and not want to have sex, but to a certain extent we have to agree she kinda asked for it.
If you don't want to be violated, don't consent to the dancing and don't seduce him in the first place.
How's a guy to know if, at the point of penetration, whether a girl is just playing hard to get by saying no? Jap porn has all the girls saying no but they all enjoy it in the end.
Logically, if you agree to kissing, dirty dancing, then you should be mostly agreeable to going all the way. If you don't want to, make it clear from the start, and don't make him erected and test his willpower. Men think with their damn penises and act accordingly. *roll eyes*
Thirdly where the hell did her sister go to, if she was pulled unwillingly out of the bar?
Fourthly, I know I sound ridiculous saying this, but Smith is totally hot. Rape is supposed to be traumatizing, but I don't see how screwing someone who looks like a hot US Marine, wait, IS a hot US marine can be so bad.
I can understand how some girls can feel all violated and disgusted when some old fat man rapes her, but Smith!
I told my friends this, and they all frowned at me, with Shuyin asking, "Maybe she has a steady boyfriend and really doesn't want to?"... I laughed and said something mean about 3rd world countries and sluttish girls, but I do agree with what Shuyin says.
Maybe, there is a sliver of chance that she doesn't want to.
But IF one day, Josh Harnett (I actually think Smith is on par in terms of looks. That guy doesn't even have hair or professional grooming yet!) came up to me at a bar I consented to a dance with him and then he raped me (I am the faithful sort of girlfriend no matter what you think!), I don't think I'd be very traumatized.
I mean, I will feel quite guilty about it and probably explain it to Mike and hope he still will love me, but I most certainly won't be scarred for life, don't dare to touch male penis again, vomit compulsively etc...
What! It's true what! I don't care if some people don't even find Smith hot. I find him super hot, and I don't see how he needs to rape anyone.

I suspect I find him so hot coz he looks a bit like Mike... *shy face*
The girl is acting like she is bloody suicidal after the incident. She whacked the marines with her fist and handbag during the court hearing. People already kena labelled as a rapist and you still whack people with your stupid handbag! Poor Daniel!
She said, "I wanted to curse him and I wanted to kill him at that time ... because he raped me."
*roll eyes*
Yeah yeah stupid woman, as if you are Virgin bloody Mary. Need to be so kua zhang or not, it's not as if Gollum raped you right?
At least, I don't think the victim's trauma is equal to that of Smith's trauma when he received his jail term: BLOODY LIFE SENTENCE.
A LIFETIME OF JAIL AT THE TENDER AGE OF 21. His bright future all ruined!! All for 10 mins of him fucking someone who wasn't even conscious to enjoy it!
I dunno lar. I think girls are gonna start going on and on about how they are disappointed with me and how I discriminate people according to looks, but think about it, if tomorrow Jessica Alba was accused of raping a man, would you believe it?
Not me.
And more photos of him, just because.
Yeah yeah, people can idolise Kate Moss, ambassador of cocaine, but I cannot idolise an alleged rapist (I don't care if the Philippino govt had convicted him, I don't believe it, I think it's just national pride against America).

The cheekbones!

Hey, everyone has zits sometimes.

Man behind wants to hump him
Quit fondling his chest!

See, I tell you, this guy can't take a wrong photo.
And you must also take into account that in all these pictures he has to act like he is damn upset! Not even one smile can!
In such times, where all the hot men are gay (WENTWORTH MILLER! I knew it. Another one bites the dust), I am so happy to find someone cute who is straight!
And is also dominating in bed. Ha!
But too bad he is in jail.
I already told Mike to pick up some US marine uniforms. :D
p/s: Wong da Lawyer said that the judges convicted him because the woman had bruises on her, proving there was a struggle. *shrugs* As I was saying, Japanese porn... I guess we will never know the truth of what happened, but it is so easy for women to abuse their position of weakness and accuse the men of rape, say for example, after Smith didn't want to pay her after sex? I SAID FOR EXAMPLE!

Update: I NEVER said she deserved it. I said she kinda ASKED FOR IT because she was BAITING the guy, all while she was physically vulnerable and intoxicated (self-inflicted) and unable to defend herself. Two different things. Read carefully.
Please, let me muster the loudest, most obnoxious "I TOLD YOU SO" I can:
Guess what? I was right and you morons were so outraged over nothing.
More here.
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