So exciting, this is my first year to be invited as a member! I thought it would just be a normal clubbing day, but apparently, from 9pm till some time later only members can go in, with one guest.
The dress code was ballroom chic! By ballroom chic they meant Victorian, but few people dressed like that.
Me, just wore my little black dress, with thigh high stockings and green velvet pumps.

I wish I didn't. When I arrived, it was apparent all the girls also had nothing to wear and settled on their little black dresses too. GAH!
Oh yeah, the "wig" hair. It is not a fucking wig, dammit. I cut my fringe recently, but as of now, I am already bored with it and it is thus pushed to the side.
The colour is by Kimage of course - ashy green.


The guard agreed to a photo
There was a special entrance to go into, and look, red carpet!

With a cam crew no less...

Walking walking...

"Why must you girls always be taller than me, why?!" "I, I..."
Inside, it was packed to the BRIM.
I was thus informed there were thousands of Zouk and Velvet members all present, and each has one guest with them.
We had trouble manoeuvring from place to place and I felt quite suffocated actually. :( Can't wait for clubs to ban smoking!

Me minutes later, flushed with alcohol

With Qihua

With Max and his friend from the states

With Max and Janice, who just came back from Gold Coast!
The photos of that night shall end abruptly here. Because lao niang started puking.
Stop laughing!
It is not funny!
Ok, I drank a bit of alcohol, on an empty stomach, and the super packed crowd was simply overwhelming la!
Imagine breathing in so much smoke (you smoking fuckers) and seeing someone's chest to your face everywhere you turn (due to my height). How's that for comfort?! I puked twice and went home at the shamefully early time of 1am.
Don't tell anyone. Nobody will respect me anymore in the club scene.

My fingernails are very long.
The PINK PARTY (not the colour, the singer)

It so happened Rosalyn and Max co-hosted this party, so I was told to come dressed as Pink, and I might, said a very excited Rozz, stand to wish a pair of tickets to go to Tokyo!
Wah, shiok!
Unfortunately, I thought to myself that it is impossible to be able to win such things, so I only donned on a punkish top, made my fringe stand, and drew a few tattoos on myself.

Complete with the mole can! Look like Pink or not?

Janice does she best impression of Pink

So does Russell.
Oei Kelvin, your turn leh...

Kua kua kua so boring

We were all shown the making of Pink's video

Kelvin was pulled on stage to answer a question
Next up, all the contestants!! INCLUDING MOI

See the drag queen in the middle? He came in a full costume as a school teacher, a scene in Pink's Stupid Girls video! My goodness, how to compete against that?


Obviously he won.
I didn't do too shabby too! I won second runner up!

I'm selling it! More about that at the bottom of the post.

Winners and hosts! The guy at the left is the second prize winner, and he won one more cd than I did.
Oh well.

Is it possible I am finally sick of cream sauce? I don't think feel a craving looking at this pic...

Kelvin is....

Tim says, Stop your nonsense

Russell says, HEEHEEHEE

with Momo and didi!

Spunky hair

Our beef brisket noodles

My fav Xiao long baos

Dunno what this is called but I don't quite like it

This Clinton very annoying, everytime take photo also refuse to laugh!

Had to force him
After that, I met tomorrow.sg's editors, and this bought me this cake!

Unfortunately, there was only space in my camera enough for this one pic.

Momo cooked Lotus seed soup and it is delicious!
She took out a bowl for me, and said, "Girl, you see mummy choose got one heart shape one for you." and she proceeded to laugh to herself.
But kinda cute.

Waiting for Eileen at the lobby of Fullerton hotel!
She is very nice la... Every birthday I get an expensive treat. It is almost worth it to grow older.
I say almost.

Wore this top from Forever 21... It has whalebone in it, like a corset!
"Oei Eileen, pose leh!"

"You want me to take for you also?"
"Ok lor... But if I follow your pose very boring hor?"

Ignore that expression, I actually quite like the place.

It's at the top of the Fullerton, so you can look down into our landscape.

Eileen pondering over food

We both had foie gras for appetizers!
Was good. :D Sigh of satisfaction.
Seen a perfectly happy girl before?
Yes, that's me:

I have good food, good friends, a good boyfriend, a good family, a good hair day, no deadly disease, and I am pretty well off at the moment! Nothing to be unhappy about, really.
The restaurant gave us some strawberry champagne sorbet, free!

It is very, very delicious.
They also gave our starter free too, but that wasn't too nice - like prunes with orange peel and unknown cubes of meat.
My main course!

Pasta with smoked duck and dunno what!
I was damn shocked when it came looking like this... Machiam spring roll. It's not too bad, but I was really very "gerlat" from the foie gras, so I didn't touch much of this...
Eileen liked it tho, so she ate most of it.
I ate hers...

Very delicious can!
After this we were served free petit fours!
Don't you just hate it when you bite into a chocolate, and it is something you don't like inside?
Well, make your guess to see which one you will pop into your mouth first, and then put your mouse over the picture, wait for a while, and the answer will come out.

None of the chocolates were very nice. I don't like dark chocolate.
After (Eileen) paying the bill, we went to the rooftop!

Nice huh? We played around there for some time before I noticed the vague shape of the waiter who brought us up still standing at the stairs waiting for us to go back.
We apologized, and he said, "We always do that Madam, because the railing is very low and it is dangerous... sometimes our clients are a bit tipsy."
Awww... So sweet.
Tried to snap a shot of the night lights so I switched my camera to night mode...

And as usual it failed me! I don't know why, but it seems that whenever I take night shots it gets blurry like this.
Tried another mode...

Sepia, nice!

Eileen tries too
We walked across a bridge within the hotel...


And us too. :D
Thinking of getting a new phone?
I have a v3 myself and so I am selling the one I won in the contest.
100% brand new, still in box.
Motorola V3i
Specs here.
If you want it, here's what you can do.
This is a closed bid auction - which means that if you are interested, you email me with your best price, and if it is the highest by the closing time, I will sell it to you.
The starting bid is $450 - which is kinda the market price, I think. I won't entertain offers of any lower than that.
Kelvin says I should offer to sign the box. I cringed at that (coz I still don't think I'm a real celebrity), but if you'd like me to, I'd do it.
Buyer has to meet before 12 of May in town.
Auction closes at 12 midnight on Sunday.
I will only respond to bidders who leave their real names and cellphone numbers. I'm not interested to deal with anonymous people.
Good luck - and my email is xiaxue@gmail.com.
p/s: Do not leave comments saying you want to buy the phone for X price. I said clearly EMAIL me.
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