OK I know my title is laaame but I keep thinking 'greensleeves' cause of my eyeshadow! LOL I've been super busy because it's the first week of school trying to adjust and what not thank goodness I'm not working as much this semester! I'll be posting again later because the Hubby's coming back this week and I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to get rid of a lot of shit hahah I'm willing to swap but I'd prefer if you guys bought it and if I don't get any response I'm going to ebay. lol But here's the FOTD
[sorry I forgot to take a picture of my eyes with eyeliner/eyebrows done etc]
+ Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer
+ Silk Naturals Foundation in Buttery Gold
+ MAC Blush in Strada [contour]
+ MAC Blush in Plum Du Bois
+ Urban Decay Deluxe e/s in Graffiti [all over lid/inner lower lash line]
+ MAC e/s in Mink & Sable [middle of lid]
+ MAC e/s in Humid [outer v/crease/lower lash line]
+ MAC e/s in Naked Lunch [highlight]
+ Stila Smudge Pots in Black
+ MAC Brow Pencil in Spiked
+ MAC Brow Powder in Soft Charcoal/Maple
+ MAC Brow Finisher in Clear
+ MAC Plushlash Mascara in Plushblack
+ NYX l/l in Coffee
+ L/S in Creme Cerise
+ L/G in Cherry Blossom
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Greensleeves FOTD
Thursday, August 28, 2008
OMG Mike totally proposed to me!!
What happened was that one day I had this conversation with Mike:
Me: "Why won't you marry me?!"
Mike: "We are as good as married."
Me: "No!"
Mike: "Why no? We are living together, seeing each other everyday... "
Me: "I wanna you to marry me!!!!"
Mike: "But we are as good as married! There is no difference."
Me: "Ok lor in that case I shall tell everyone we are engaged."
Mike, laughs: "You do that."
The first step nowadays to being engaged is to be facebook-engaged!!
Therefore, this morning when I was very bored, I logged onto his facebook account and.... totally proposed to myself.
I know... It is infinitely loserish but it is still damn shiok!! Those of you who have not been facebook engaged/married before should try it!!! AHAHAHA!!

Omg I got a relationship status request!! Got heart shape somemore!!

I am touched beyond words!! Yes my love, I accept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sobs uncontrollably*

*hops around the room showing off non-existent 2 carat Diamond ring to everyone*
I know!! He loves me so much!! I am so blessed!!
*wipes away tears*
OK... That was really fun, even though it is a self-directed love story/comedy.
On a sidenote ah, I was told that an engagement ring is the one with the big diamond, and the wedding ring is normally just a simple band.
Then, after being married, girls wear the wedding ring daily, and the expensive engagement ring is then safely kept in a box.
If Mike spends $10k on my engagement ring and $3k on my wedding ring, then obviously I wanna wear the $10k shit everyday right? Why would I keep it in a bloody box?
That's just stupid man. It doesn't make sense.
I mean, it does make sense for most girls lah since they have to work and their rings can't be too bling anyway, blah blah... But whatever!
I want my wedding ring to be fucking ostentatious!!!
Please don't talk to me about how less is more hor!! That doesn't even make sense. More is more please! Duh!!!
Talk somemore I scratch your face with my humongous diamond ah!
So anyway, I have thus concluded that my engagement ring should be the simple one (I think maybe a row of smaller diamonds... ahem... for my more toned-down days) and the wedding ring shall be like...
Wait wait wait... I shall google!!
Here's my engagement ring:
In my process of googling for rings, I have decided that 3 rows of diamonds is infinitely better than just 1 row

Correct what... You compare!!

Kua kua... See? 3 rows of diamonds. Nice. Ahem. So much for toned down days.
So anyway, as for the wedding ring, I am inspired by this science teacher I used to have in River Valley. She's very pretty!!
And since I am so short and so talkative/naughty, I am inevitably placed in the front row of classroom seats.
In fact, I am not only in the front row, I am right in the middle, just beside the bloody OHP projector.
Everytime this teacher uses that contraption, her wedding ring REALLY sparkles underneath the intense light as she uses the hands to arrange her transparencies.
Bling bling bling... I spent hours getting distracted by her chioness ring!!
And her ring is a single humongous (or so it seemed to me at that time) solitaire diamond one.

Not 6 clasps:

But the magical number of 5.

I don't know... I guess its a small detail, but to me it's quite important coz I really do think it's much chioer this way!
Hahahaha!! Talk so much, skarly nobody even wants to marry me lor!!
Wait, why is this one so chio?
Pink diamond leh!! Are real pink diamonds even purchasable in Singapore???
p/s: We are not really engaged. I'm just being boh liao.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Problem solved!!

Thanks to Roy who helped me. The file was was infected was my blogger.gif file... Kuakua... All I did was to delete it.
My blog readers are awesome!
Help help help why like this?!
I already removed all links to awfulplasticsurgery!! What else can I do?
All I know is that the trojan's name is giframe, and it is spreading itself through a file called blogger[1].gif, if I am not wrong.
Also, I probably got it coz I linked to awfulplasticsurgery.com, which is also spreading trojans. I removed the links but the trojan is still there.
This is fucking annoying!!
$100 to the first person to SUCCESSFULLY help me solve this problem!!! (Saying vague things like "try republishing your posts?" does not count.)
Please email me at xiaxue@gmail.com if you are some incredibly smart IT geek, thanks!!
UPDATE: Solved! I think! If you are still getting the trojan, please let me know.
Monday, August 25, 2008
MAC Prep + Prime Skin Review
I meant to have this review up yesterday, but I think I caught the stomach flu because I was throwing up all afternoon! =[ But I feel better now and I really wanted to put up this review so here it is!
Product: 4/5
Packaging: 3/5
Quality: 4/5
Overall: 3.6 out of 5
Price: $23
WHAT MAC SAYS: An ultra-fluid lotion formulated with special-effect silicones. Calms and soothes the skin, blots away excess oil, and evens out skin redness. Improves the laydown and application of foundation or powder.
PROS: I used it for a couple days to test it thoroughly and it really does even out my skin. I tend to have slight pink patches on my cheeks which make me look flushed and it totally evened it out. I noticed right away that it leaves my skin feeling silky smooth and the smoothness lasts the entire day. After a couple hours my t-zone tends to get super oily and the primer controlled that for the most part. There was still a little shine at the end of the day but not as much as I would have had without the primer. You don't even need to use a lot of product to cover your whole face! I found that one pump was more than enough. I'm really prone to break outs when I try new face products also and I found that this one left me break out free =]
CONS: Since the packaging is black, you can't tell how much product you've got left! Another thing I noticed, the primer has glitter in it. I couldn't tell at all when I was getting ready at home, but after I went out in the sun, it looked like I sprinkled my face with glitter! Some people may like this, but this was a definite con for me. Another thing that bugged me was after 4 - 5 hours, it seemed like all my make up disappeared! At the end of the day there was no color on my cheeks and barely any foundation yet! Isn't primer supposed to keep it on? Another con is that it's $23 for only 1 oz of product!
COMMENTS: I'm on the fence with this product because I love how silky it leaves my skin yet I can't understand why my foundation or blush just fell off! I don't know if I can justify paying that much for so little product especially if I don't absolutely love it. I think I would only use this at night because the glitter in it makes it kind of weird to wear during the day. I'm not sure if I would purchase this again. I think I would but only if I couldn't find a better primer that makes my make up stay on all day.
Here's some pictures from test day #3 (I know you probably think all the pictures look the same but it doesn't to me! LOL)
Primed Face! No pink patches here!
primer & foundation
full face
where did all my make up go =[
Just for reference I have combination skin, my t-zone tends to get really oily sometimes.
New vids again!!
I am so busy!!
My freaking computer crashed AGAIN. I think I got some shitass virus, and I honestly can't be arsed to try and fix it so I just formatted it lor.
Gah! Can you believe my luck? This must be the, I dunno, umpteenth time this year. HATE! (Thank god I don't have any saucy chatlogs with male celebrities otherwise lost how? Just kidding... I've got not 1 but 2 portable hard drives!!! I am that Kiasu!!)
So anyway, I swear I'm coming up with the bestest blog entry ever!! But it is not done yet, so just wait for a bit yeah?
Meanwhile I have an advertorial to finish too, and Indulgz also invited me for round 4 of food tasting so I am very excited!! Woohoo!!
And hor, just to clarify, I DID NOT send Plastic's pictures to awfulplasticsurgery hor, thanks.
Just so happens that the day before her pictures were posted up, I also linked that website!! Got more suay or not you tell me?!?!?!
I swear I didn't know what the webmaster was going to post, ok! Sompah!
Maybe I am a prophet? YOU THINK? I could be!! Ok, I predict tomorrow's weather will be rainy again. Let's see if I really have propheting skills.
WTF man... If I were the one sending in the pictures you can be certain those won't be my descriptive words! (Coz I certainly don't think she is prettier now...)
So anyway, new videos!!
Bff auditions round 2!
See the contestants in the flesh!
I love them all :D
The Quiz Challenge
Is KK or Paul smarter?
Paul displays his skill at naming planets.
Sleazy Aerobics
I'd love my gym teacher to be this amusing!!
Click to watch all!!
Btw, please do not insult the bff contestants in the comments, thanks. :)
p/s: Is there some sort of virus on my blog?? GASP! How the hell do I remove it?! And how did I get it?!
p/p/s: I think it has to do with awfulplasticsurgery la!! My comp was saying it is an attack site and I still went to it... Nabeh then tio virus!!! I removed all links to that site already, so it shouldn't be a problem now. Please let me know if you know anything, or if the virus is still around!!
p/p/p/s: I am SO SORRY if you kena virus from my blog!! Remember to always back up your stuff and please don't install any weird files with weird extensions ok!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Cult of Cherry FOTD
I asked the MUA for a smokey look when I went for my COC appointment and she basically gave me the Cherry Blossom MAC face chart! lol At first I didn't like it - I'm not used to smokey eyes but it was actually really nice! It was wearable during the day and I didn't need to do anything to switch it to a night look! =]
I asked her to color match me too because I've never been color matched at MAC. I'm skeptical about their foundations though because I've heard that they make you break out and I'm really prone to break out when I try new foundations. So far mineral foundation has worked for me but the powder is so messy. She suggested the Mineralize Satinfinish. I'm skeptical about liquid foundation too because my t-zone gets SUUPER oily as the day goes by especially since its 90+ degrees here all the time. But suprisingly, the foundation wasn't that bad. I kind of itched a little and I did feel like my face melted a little at the end of the day, but my t-zone wasn't as oily as I thought it would be. I'm still not sure if I should actually buy it though. Maybe in the winter when it's a lot colder and my face tends to get drier. I can't believe I'm an NC45! haha I'm so dark ohwell it really matched my skin well though.
The MUA was really helpful - I know it's their job - but she was sweet and I asked her soo many questions lol. She showed me how to use the matte blush in Strada to contour my face, I looooved it! I've been trying to contour but it doesn't come out right LOL
Sorry if I forget some stuff! [of course ALL MAC products]
+ Prep & Prime Face
+ Mineralize Satinfinish Foundation in NC45
+ MSF in Medium Dark
+ Blush in Strada as contour
+ Blush in Harmony
+ P/P in Painterly
+ Spiced Chocolate Quad
> Sweet Chestnut all over lid & lower lash line
> Spiced Chocolate on contour
> Nanogold as highlight
> Spiced chocolate to fill in brows
+ Eye Kohl in Teddy
+ Zoomlash mascara in Zoomblack
+ L/L in Oak
+ L/S in Creme Cerise
+ L/G in Cherry Blossom
I absolutely looove the Cherry Blossom lips, it reminded me of caramel! =] I'll be posting my review on the Prep & Prime Skin tomorrow I felt like I needed more time to test it out, but I've got my verdict!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Cult of Cherry Haul + Swatches =]
I'm just doing a quick one before I go to work!! I really shouldn't be but here's my COC haul! They actually did a full face for me too - can you believe I've never asked for one before with all the money I've spent already? lol I'm going out tonight so I asked her to do a smokey eye and she used the Spiced Chocolate quad. I'll post pictures of that FOTD later but here's my haul for now!
L to R: blush in Strada [not from COC] & Blooming. Spiced Chocolate quad, L/S in Creme Cerise, L/S in Lightly Ripe, L/G in Cherry Blossom, & Zoomlash in zoomblack.
I spent only $105 because I got the 2 L/S for free for B2M! Too bad the counter at my Dillard's store doesn't do B2M for L/G too! I was expecting to spend that much but then I didn't really want the quads because I was planning to get some pigments from the Overrich collection but the only one I really liked was Antique Green and I really don't use my pigments so I passed. The MUA had me sold on the zoomlash cause it made my lashes look sooo fake! haha love it Well gotta go!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
my head is not really that big, really...

Silk Naturals Swatches
Here's the Silk Naturals e/s swatches I promised you! All swatches are without any kind of primer or base. Pictures are one with flash and one without.
Teakie is supposedly a dupe of MAC's Woodwinked and Poly is supposedly a dupe of Parrot. I don't have woodwinked, but I do have parrot I should have taken a picture of those two together but I really think that Poly is actually more vibrant than Parrot! Most of the e/s like High Beam, Whisper, and Sprite would be nice highlight colors. They were all sample sizes so I think I'm going to buy the full size of Goldie Gold, Grass Roots, Tutti Frutti, Poly, & Teakie.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Good stuff
The good thing is, now T's my friend again.
And some other good news!!

Tadah! Passed my advanced!
I was in a damn glum mood travelling there. When I reached, I paid money to the cabbie and said to myself, "Ok, I go take the test already..."
He turned around, smiled at me and told me good luck, so that really cheered me up. How come ah? It's so nice when strangers are nice to you.
I had about 5 or so questions I wasn't sure of, so I anyhowly ti-kum lor. And passed!!
It's so great... Now the tests are computerized so you will know your results immediately!
Yup yup!!
I booked my practical test too. It will be on the 5th of December!! If I pass it, I will be able to drive in USA (flying 10th of Dec)!! Excitedness!! Then I won't have to keep asking a reluctant Mike to drive me to the mall!!!!!! OMG!!

Here's my PDL
Too bad it ends on 11th of Nov. I guess I'd have to renew it.
Manual or Auto??
I booked for an auto test, coz I'm like pretty sure I'll fail the manual... But Mike drives a manual car so even if I pass the auto I can't drive his car!!!!!!
Decisions decisions!
Me driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The image is fucking hilarious. I'm so short I expect I will have to sit on several tall cushions. Oei! Stop laughing hor!!
Also... also...
Finally the little fucker works!!
My code arrived!!! I paid $92 for someone to unlock it on eBay! :(
The amount of money I spent on this phone........ Le sigh...
But it's worth it!!
It is as heavy as a brick and has zero functions - the camera sucks big time, the internet functions cannot be used, and the battery life is tragic (1 day)...
But... Everyone is still very impressed by the swivel screen! Plus it's designed by JUICY COUTURE, so no complains!
I know... You are waiting with baited breath......

With flash...
The crystals are not dark pink like that. And the colour I used for zhnging was Light Rose AB.
AB crystals are fucking chio la! It's like this iridescent coating on top of the crystals that make them sorta multi-coloured...

Without flash.
I guess this is the most accurate portrayal of the correct colour, but without flash you cannot see how sparkly it really is. Plus the pic is blur...

The phone is decorated with baby pink pearls and about 7 different sizes of light rose AB crystals.

With flash

The left side of the picture shows how it's like in real life.
I'm waiting for the a new batch of crystals to come from artbeads.com!! When they do, I'm gonna zhng the back of the phone too. Bling bling!!

Paul and Kaykay... I was there when they were filming their Singing Challenge. That's donkey years ago can?!
AND FINALLY..........
The photos you guys have been requesting for!!

No make-up except for eyelash extensions
These are taken on the first night the fillers were done, so they are still tremendously swollen.
I really really liked them when they were that size! I know most of you will be like, oh, look like duck etc, but I liked it!!!
Unfortunately, Dr Georgia Lee wanted to go light on me since it's my first time, and didn't put so much filler in. After the swell went down, the difference is quite subtle. If I can, I'll go and ask her for a bit more.
Omg I have to rave about her. She's really nice! And when you talk to her, she doesn't care about charges or price... she's more interested to sincerely HELP us girls get prettier.
It's like an art for her, that's why she analyzes your face for you and gives advice on what can be improved, etc.
She gave me around maybe 20 small jabs on the lips. She has like all these little tips and tricks for how to do it so it will have the maximum and best effect!!
I've went with friends to other aesthetic doctors too, but I feel that they don't have that sort of sincerity and passion... They just do whatever they are asked to, and that's it. It is no wonder Dr Lee is the hot favourite among the stars la!!
If you want to do non-invasive work too, you can give her clinic a ring. Her website is HERE.
She's really good!!! I can't stop raving can??
I met with Rozzie and Gillian, together with Rozzie's friends Patricia Mok and Gordon.

On cab there. I dunno what's with the solemn expression.
See, the lips are nice right?? The difference is not that much, but from the side it is more obvious.

Me with Pat.
She's like a more toned down version of herself on TV in real life. Still very funny and expressive, but not so loud. Haha!! I really like her!! And she very vain and gossipy!! Hehe...
And also also!! My smile's not so gummy anymore!
So if you have a gummy smile too... Maybe can give Dr Lee a ring? BTW she never asked me to advertise for her hor. I just like her and her work so much!!

My normal cam mode... Pat adjusted the flash settings, and...

I dunno how she did it lor! Looks like daylight outside.


I love the lips and Dr Georgia Lee!
Omg it rhymes.